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Description - Two young British soldiers during the First World War are given an impossible mission: deliver a message deep in enemy territory that will stop 1,600 men, and one of the soldiers' brothers, from walking straight into a deadly trap / stars - Dean-Charles Chapman / genres - Drama / Release date - 2019 / 16971 votes /
5 things to say about this movie. 1. Best movie of the year. Better than Endgame. And way better than Joker. 2. Two years in a row the best movie of the year is released by 20th Century Fox. 3. Awesome racing sequences. You almost feel like youre along for the ride. 4. This deserves an Oscar nomination for best picture. 5. This got robbed at the Golden Globe for best picture by Joker. Joker was still a good movie, but nothing like this or Endgame. 1917 free streamimg. 1917 free web site. 1917 free online games.
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1917 free movies online. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. 1917 est un film américano - britannique coécrit, coproduit et réalisé par Sam Mendes, sorti en 2019. La particularité de ce film est qu'il se compose de seulement deux longs plans-séquences. L'intrigue se déroule sur une journée et une nuit. Synopsis [ modifier, modifier le code] 6 avril 1917, la Première Guerre mondiale [ 1] fait rage sur le front Ouest. Will Schofield et Tom Blake, deux jeunes caporaux britanniques, sont chargés d'une mission vraisemblablement impossible. Les lignes de communication étant coupées, ils vont devoir traverser seuls le no man's land et les lignes ennemies pour délivrer un message aux environs d' Écoust-Saint-Mein. Ce message doit permettre de sauver 1 600 soldats britanniques, parmi lesquels se trouve le frère de Blake, qui vont tomber dans un piège tendu par l' armée allemande [ 2] suite à l' opération Alberich. Résumé détaillé [ modifier, modifier le code] Pendant la Première Guerre mondiale en avril 1917, l'armée allemande s'est retirée d'un secteur du front occidental dans le Nord de la France. Le général Erinmore en informe deux jeunes soldats britanniques, les caporaux suppléants Tom Blake et Will Schofield. La reconnaissance aérienne a repéré que les Allemands ne battent pas en retraite mais ont effectué un retrait tactique sur la ligne Hindenburg, où ils attendent les Britanniques. Les lignes de communication étant coupées, Blake et Schofield sont sommés de transmettre un message au deuxième bataillon du régiment Devonshire, annulant leur attaque planifiée, qui pourrait coûter la vie à 1 600 hommes, dont le frère de Blake, le lieutenant Joseph Blake. Schofield et Blake traversent le no mans land et atteignent les tranchées allemandes abandonnées. Celles-ci s'avèrent contenir des fils d'explosion de mines, que le passage d'un rat déclenche. L'explosion qui s'ensuit tue presque Schofield, mais Blake parvient à le retrouver et à l'emmener avec lui. Ils arrivent dans une ferme abandonnée, où ils assistent à un combat aérien entre trois avions. L'avion allemand est abattu et s'écrase en flammes dans la ferme. Schofield et Blake tentent de sauver le pilote brûlé. Schofield propose de le tuer par pitié, mais Blake demande à Schofield d'aller chercher de l'eau pour le pilote. Le pilote poignarde Blake et est abattu par Schofield, qui réconforte Blake alors qu'il meurt, lui promettant de terminer la mission. Schofield est récupéré par une unité britannique de passage. Un pont détruit près du village bombardé d' Écoust-Saint-Mein empêche les camions de traverser, et Schofield traverse seul sur les vestiges d'un pont. Il est attaqué par un tireur d'élite allemand situé de lautre côté du canal. Schofield traque et tue le tireur d'élite, mais se fait tirer dessus par un autre soldat allemand. Schofield reprend conscience la nuit. Pourchassé par un soldat allemand, Schofield tombe dans la cachette d'une femme française accompagnée d'un bébé. Elle soigne ses blessures et pour la remercier, il lui donne sa portion de nourriture en conserve et sa gourde remplie de lait de la ferme. En continuant la mission, Schofield est découvert deux fois par des soldats allemands et un combat s'ensuit. Il étrangle un soldat allemand et en bouscule un autre qui est trop ivre pour l'arrêter. D'autres soldats le poursuivent au milieu de fusées éclairantes, mais il échappe aux coups de feu mortels en sautant dans une rivière. Schofield atteint le 2 e bataillon du régiment Devonshire juste avant le début de l'attaque britannique. Il sprinte à travers le champ de bataille après avoir réalisé que les tranchées sont trop remplies de soldats pour qu'il parvienne à rejoindre le commandant à temps. Alors que l'infanterie britannique commence à monter à l'attaque, elle est bombardée par l'artillerie allemande. Schofield se fraye un chemin pour rencontrer le colonel Mackenzie et réussit à le convaincre d'annuler l'attaque. Schofield localise ensuite le lieutenant Joseph Blake — qui était parmi la première vague d'attaque, mais est indemne — et lui annonce la nouvelle de la mort de Blake. Joseph est bouleversé, mais remercie Schofield. Ce dernier demande à Joseph son accord pour écrire à sa mère et lui parler de l'héroïsme de Tom. Schofield s'éloigne et s'assied sous un arbre à proximité. Le film se termine avec Schofield regardant plusieurs photos de ses deux jeunes filles et sa femme, avec un message écrit sur les photos. Fiche technique [ modifier, modifier le code] Titre original: 1917 Réalisation: Sam Mendes Scénario: Sam Mendes et Krysty Wilson-Cairns Musique: Thomas Newman Direction artistique: Dennis Gassner Décors: Dennis Gassner et Lee Sandales Costumes: Jacqueline Durran Photographie: Roger Deakins Son: Oliver Tarney Montage: Lee Smith Production: Pippa Harris, Callum McDougall, Sam Mendes et Jayne-Ann Tenggren Coproduction: Michael Lerman Distribution [ modifier, modifier le code] George MacKay ( VF: Charlie Fabert; VQ: David Laurin) le caporal William Schofield Dean-Charles Chapman ( VF: Félix Lebert-Kysyl; VQ: Louis-Philippe Berthiaume) le caporal Tom Blake Mark Strong ( VF: Bernard Gabay) le capitaine Smith Richard Madden: le lieutenant Joseph Blake Andrew Scott ( VF: Jean-Christophe Dollé; VQ: Nicolas Charbonneaux-Collombet) le lieutenant Leslie Claire Duburcq (VF: elle-même) Lauri, la femme d'Écoust Colin Firth ( VF: Christian Gonon; VQ: Jean-Luc Montminy) le général Erinmore Benedict Cumberbatch ( VF: Jérémie Covillault; VQ: Tristan Harvey) le colonel MacKenzie Daniel Mays ( VF: Pierre Yvon) le sergent Sanders Nabhaan Rizwan ( VF: Asil Raïs) Sepoy Jondalar Jamie Parker: le lieutenant Richards version française (VF) sur AlloDoublage [ 5] Source et légende: version québécoise ( VQ) sur [ 6] Production [ modifier, modifier le code] Genèse et développement [ modifier, modifier le code] En juin 2018, Amblin Partners annonce qu'il a acquis un projet de film sur la Première Guerre mondiale réalisé par Sam Mendes et coécrit par ce dernier avec Krysty Wilson-Cairns [ 7. Sam Mendes s'inspire ici de l'expérience de son grand-père, Alfred Mendes, engagé dans la brigade des fusiliers, relatée dans son livre The Autobiography of Alfred H. Mendes 1897-1991 [ 8. En septembre 2018, Tom Holland révèle quil a été approché pour un rôle [ 9. En octobre, Sam Mendes annonce quil va à nouveau collaborer avec le directeur de la photographie Roger Deakins [ 10] alors que George MacKay et Dean-Charles Chapman entrent en négociation [ 11. La distribution s'étoffe ensuite avec les arrivées de Benedict Cumberbatch, Colin Firth, Mark Strong, Richard Madden, Andrew Scott, Daniel Mays, Adrian Scarborough, Jamie Parker [ 12. Le film est présenté comme une immersion dans le conflit. Par conséquent, Sam Mendes envisage de tourner le film en un seul plan-séquence [ 13. Au final, il s'agit en fait d'une série de plans-séquences, avec des transitions discrètes, qui font croire à deux longs plans-séquences. Entre quinze et quarante prises ont été nécessaires pour chacune de ces séquences, à l'exception d'une scène de course, le plus long plan ayant duré environ neuf minutes [ 14. Bien que l'action s'étale entre une fin de journée et le début de la suivante (soit en principe au moins une douzaine d'heures) le film avec ses deux plans-séquences de l'action est d'une durée d'environ deux heures. La perte de connaissance de William Schofield à Ecoust donne lieu à la seule coupure du film. Elle permet d'insérer un hiatus qui laisse croire à l'illusion de temps réel, Schofield reprenant connaissance à la fin de la nuit. Tournage [ modifier, modifier le code] Le tournage débute le 1 er avril 2019 et a lieu jusqu'en juin 2019. Il se déroule dans le Wiltshire ( Angleterre du Sud-Ouest) dans le Surrey (Hankley Common et les studios de Shepperton) ainsi qu'à Govan en banlieue de Glasgow en Écosse [ 15. 16. 17. 18. YouTube héberge un making of depuis le 9 janvier 2020. La vidéo avoisine les 5 millions de vue moins de deux semaines après sa parution. Accueil [ modifier, modifier le code] Critique [ modifier, modifier le code] Cette section est vide, insuffisamment détaillée ou incomplète. Votre aide est la bienvenue! Comment faire? Le film reçoit des critiques globalement très positives. Sur l'agrégateur américain Rotten Tomatoes, il récolte 90% d'opinions favorables pour 336 critiques et une note moyenne de 8, 42 10 [ 22. Sur Metacritic, il obtient une note moyenne de 79 100 pour 55 critiques [ 23. En France, le film obtient une note moyenne de 4, 2 5 sur le site Allociné, qui recense 35 titres de presse [ 24. Le Parisien a adoré le film, il dit que ce film est « Une histoire haletante et une prouesse technique » [ 19. CinéSéries a aussi beaucoup aimé ce film et trouve que « la tâche de décrire avec de simples mots ce qu'est le film 1917 est difficile. Preuve s'il en est qu'il est bien un chef-d'oeuvre du cinéma, à tous les niveaux. À voir absolument » [ 20. Libération n'a pas autant apprécié que les autres: « Tout à ses ambitions visuelles dopées à la virtuosité technique, Sam Mendes rejoue la Grande Guerre dans un spectacle immersif et sans point de vue » [ 21. Box-office [ modifier, modifier le code] Pays ou région Box-office Date d'arrêt du box-office Nombre de semaines États-Unis Canada 123 542 909. 25] 6 février 2020 [ 26] en cours [ 26] France 1 422 227 entrées [ 27] en cours Total Monde 254 142 909. 25] Distinctions principales [ modifier, modifier le code] Source et distinctions complètes: Internet Movie Database [ 28. Récompenses [ modifier, modifier le code] Golden Globes 2020 [ 29] Meilleur réalisateur Meilleur film dramatique Prix des réalisateurs d'Hollywood 2020 ( DGA Awards. 30] BAFTA 2020: Meilleur film Meilleur film britannique Meilleurs décors Meilleure photographie Meilleurs effets visuels Meilleur son Nominations [ modifier, modifier le code] Golden Globes 2020: Meilleure musique de film Meilleurs maquillages et coiffures Meilleure musique de film Oscars 2020: Meilleur scénario original Meilleurs décors et direction artistique Meilleur mixage de son Notes et références [ modifier, modifier le code] ↑ « 1917 », sur ↑ « 1917: le film de guerre en plan-séquence de Sam Mendes dévoile son un trailer demain. Actualité Film », sur Écran Large, 31 juillet 2019 (consulté le 31 juillet 2019. ↑ (en) Tatiana Siegel, « Making of 1917: How Sam Mendes Filmed a "Ticking Clock Thriller" », sur The Hollywood Reporter, 26 décembre 2019 (consulté le 26 décembre 2019. ↑ (en) Release info sur l Internet Movie Database ↑ « Fiche du doublage français du film », consulté le 26 janvier 2020 ↑ « Fiche du doublage québécois du film », sur Doublage Québec (consulté le 13 janvier 2020. ↑ (en) Mike Fleming Jr., « Amblin, Sam Mendes Set WWI Drama 1917 As His First Directing Effort Since James Bond Pics Spectre & Skyfall », sur Deadline, 18 juin 2018 (consulté le 7 avril 2019. ↑ « 1917: Sam Mendes dans l'enfer des tranchées », sur Les Echos, 14 janvier 2020 ↑ (en) Dan Zinski, « Tom Holland In Talks To Star In Sam Mendes' WWI Drama 1917 », sur Screenrant, 5 septembre 2018 (consulté le 7 avril 2019. ↑ (en) Christopher Marc, « Oscar-Winning Blade Runner 2049 Cinematographer Roger Deakins Might Reunite With Sam Mendes For WWI Movie 1917 », sur Geeks WorldWide, 24 octobre 2018 (consulté le 7 avril 2019. ↑ (en) Mike Fleming Jr., « George MacKay, GOT s Dean-Charles Chapman In Talks For Leads In Sam Mendes WWI Pic 1917 », sur Deadline, 26 octobre 2018 (consulté le 7 avril 2019. ↑ (en) Mia Galuppo, « Colin Firth, Benedict Cumberbatch Join Sam Mendes' WWI Movie 1917 », sur The Hollywood Reporter, 28 mars 2019 (consulté le 28 mars 2019. ↑ Antoine Desrues, « On en sait plus sur 1917, le prochain film de Sam Mendes », sur Les Inrockuptibles, 8 avril 2019 (consulté le 21 avril 2019. ↑ « 1917, une prouesse technique et un grand moment de cinéma », sur Le Soir, 8 janvier 2020 ↑ (en) « Chance to star in Hollywood movie filming in Wiltshire », sur Spire FM, 4 janvier 2019 (consulté le 7 avril 2019. ↑ (en) « World War One film to begin production on Hankley Common », sur Eagle Radio, 18 février 2019 (consulté le 7 avril 2019. ↑ (en) Claire Diamond, « Spielberg movie wants to film in Glasgow », sur BBC, 19 février 2019 (consulté le 7 avril 2019. ↑ (en) Christopher Marc, « EXCLUSIVE: Sam Mendes 1917 Adds Skyfall/Blade Runner 2049 Production Designer and Atonement Art Director – Confirmed To Shoot At Shepperton Studios », sur Hybrid Network, 11 décembre 2018 (consulté le 7 avril 2019. ↑ a et b Michel Valentin, « 1917 de Sam Mendes, la Première Guerre mondiale comme on ne la jamais vue », sur Le Parisien, 14 janvier 2020 (consulté le 21 janvier 2020. ↑ a et b « 1917: Sam Mendes réalise son chef-doeuvre », sur CinéSéries, 14 janvier 2020 (consulté le 21 janvier 2020. ↑ a et b « 1917, TU TES VU QUAND TOBUS? », sur Libération, 14 janvier 2020 (consulté le 21 janvier 2020. ↑ (en) « 1917 (2020) », sur Rotten Tomatoes, Fandango Media (consulté le 16 janvier 2020. ↑ (en) « 1917 Reviews », sur Metacritic, CBS Interactive (consulté le 16 janvier 2020. ↑ « 1917 - critiques presse », sur Allociné (consulté le 16 janvier 2020. ↑ a et b (en) « 1917 », sur Box Office Mojo (consulté le 16 janvier 2020. ↑ a et b (en) « 1917 - weekly », sur Box Office Mojo (consulté le 16 janvier 2020. ↑ « 1917 », sur JP's Box-office (consulté le 16 janvier 2020. ↑ (en) Awards sur l Internet Movie Database ↑ « Golden Globes 2020: Tarantino, « 1917 » et « Fleabag » récompensés, Netflix boudé », sur Le Monde, 6 janvier 2020 (consulté le 14 janvier 2020) ↑ « Le film "1917" de Sam Mendes obtient le prix des réalisateurs d'Hollywood », sur Le Monde, 26 janvier 2020 (consulté le 28 janvier 2020) Annexes [ modifier, modifier le code] Articles connexes [ modifier, modifier le code] Plans-séquences célèbres ou remarquables au cinéma Liens externes [ modifier, modifier le code] Ressources relatives à l'audiovisuel: Allociné Centre national du cinéma et de l'image animée (en) AllMovie (en) Internet Movie Database (en) Metacritic (en) Rotten Tomatoes 1917, Dantesque et magistral. Analyse du film sur Le Suricate Magazine.
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Millennium: 2nd millennium Centuries: 19th century 20th century 21st century Decades: 1890s 1900s 1910s 1920s 1930s Years: 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1917 by topic Subject Archaeology Architecture Art Aviation Awards Film Literature Poetry Meteorology Music Rail transport Radio Science Sports Television By country Australia Belgium Brazil Canada China France Germany India Ireland Italy Japan Mexico New Zealand Norway Ottoman Syria Philippines Russia South Africa Spain Sweden United Kingdom United States Lists of leaders Sovereign states Sovereign state leaders Territorial governors Religious leaders Law Birth and death categories Births Deaths Establishments and disestablishments categories Establishments Disestablishments Works category Works Introductions v t e 1917 in various calendars Gregorian calendar 1917 MCMXVII Ab urbe condita 2670 Armenian calendar 1366 ԹՎ ՌՅԿԶ Assyrian calendar 6667 Bahá'í calendar 73–74 Balinese saka calendar 1838–1839 Bengali calendar 1324 Berber calendar 2867 British Regnal year 7 Geo. 5 – 8 Geo. 5 Buddhist calendar 2461 Burmese calendar 1279 Byzantine calendar 7425–7426 Chinese calendar 丙辰 年 (Fire Dragon) 4613 or 4553 — to — 丁巳年 (Fire Snake) 4614 or 4554 Coptic calendar 1633–1634 Discordian calendar 3083 Ethiopian calendar 1909–1910 Hebrew calendar 5677–5678 Hindu calendars - Vikram Samvat 1973–1974 - Shaka Samvat 1838–1839 - Kali Yuga 5017–5018 Holocene calendar 11917 Igbo calendar 917–918 Iranian calendar 1295–1296 Islamic calendar 1335–1336 Japanese calendar Taishō 6 (大正6年) Javanese calendar 1847–1848 Juche calendar 6 Julian calendar Gregorian minus 13 days Korean calendar 4250 Minguo calendar ROC 6 民國6年 Nanakshahi calendar 449 Thai solar calendar 2459–2460 Tibetan calendar 阳火龙年 (male Fire- Dragon) 2043 or 1662 or 890 — to — 阴火蛇年 (female Fire- Snake) 2044 or 1663 or 891 Wikimedia Commons has media related to 1917. 1917 ( MCMXVII) was a common year starting on Monday of the Gregorian calendar and a common year starting on Sunday of the Julian calendar, the 1917th year of the Common Era (CE) and Anno Domini (AD) designations, the 917th year of the 2nd millennium, the 17th year of the 20th century, and the 8th year of the 1910s decade. As of the start of 1917, the Gregorian calendar was 13 days ahead of the Julian calendar, which remained in localized use until 1923. Events [ edit] Below, events of World War I have the "WWI" prefix. January [ edit] January 2 – The Royal Bank of Canada takes over Quebec Bank. January 3 – Ratho rail crash in Scotland: An Edinburgh to Glasgow express train collides with a light engine leaving 12 people dead and 46 seriously injured; the cause is found to be inadequate signalling procedures. [1] January 9 – WWI – Battle of Rafa: The last substantial Ottoman Army garrison on the Sinai Peninsula is captured by the Egyptian Expeditionary Force 's Desert Column. January 11 – Unknown saboteurs set off the Kingsland Explosion at Kingsland (modern-day Lyndhurst, New Jersey) one of the events leading to United States involvement in WWI. January 16 – The Danish West Indies is sold to the United States for 25 million. January 19 – Silvertown explosion: A blast at a munitions factory in London kills 73 and injures over 400; the resulting fire causes over 2, 000, 000 worth of damage. January 22 – WWI: United States President Woodrow Wilson calls for "peace without victory" in Germany. January 25 WWI: British armed merchantman SS Laurentic is sunk by mines off Lough Swilly (Ireland) with the loss of 354 of the 475 aboard. An anti- prostitution drive in San Francisco occurs, and police close about 200 prostitution houses. January 26 – The sea defences at the English village of Hallsands are breached, leading to all but one of the houses becoming uninhabitable. January 28 – The United States ends its search for Pancho Villa. January 30 – Pershing 's troops in Mexico begin withdrawing back to the United States. They reach Columbus, New Mexico February 5. February [ edit] February 1 – WWI: Atlantic U-boat Campaign: Germany announces its U-boats will resume unrestricted submarine warfare, rescinding the ' Sussex Pledge. February 3 – WWI: The United States severs diplomatic relations with Germany. February 5 – The new constitution of Mexico is adopted. February 13 Mata Hari is arrested in Paris for spying. WWI – Raid on Nekhl: Units of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force completely reoccupy the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula. February 21 – British troopship SS Mendi is accidentally rammed and sunk off the Isle of Wight, killing 646, mainly members of the South African Native Labour Corps. [2] February 24 – WWI: United States ambassador to the United Kingdom, Walter Hines Page, is shown the intercepted Zimmermann Telegram, in which Germany offers to give the American Southwest back to Mexico, if Mexico would take sides with Germany, in case the United States would declare war on Germany. President Woodrow Wilson of the United States announces to Congress the breaking of diplomatic relations with Germany March [ edit] March 1 WWI: The U. S. government releases the text of the Zimmermann Telegram to the public. Ōmuta, Japan, is founded by Hiroushi Miruku. March 2 – The enactment of the Jones Act grants Puerto Ricans United States citizenship. March 4 Woodrow Wilson is sworn in for a second term, as President of the United States. Jeannette Rankin of Montana becomes the first woman member of the United States House of Representatives. March 7 – " Livery Stable Blues. recorded with "Dixie Jazz Band One Step" on February 26, by the Original Dixieland Jass Band in the United States, becomes the first jazz recording commercially released. On August 17 the band records " Tiger Rag. March 8 Women calling for bread and peace - Petrograd, 8th of March, 1917 (N. February 23, O. – The February Revolution begins in Russia: Women calling for bread in Petrograd start riots, which spontaneously spread throughout the city. The United States Senate adopts the cloture rule, in order to limit filibusters. March 10 – The Province of Batangas is formally founded, as one of the Philippines ' first encomiendas. March 11 – Mexican Revolution: Venustiano Carranza is elected president of Mexico; the United States gives de jure recognition of his government. March 12 – The Russian Duma declares a Provisional Government. March 14 – WWI: The Republic of China terminates diplomatic relations with Germany. March 15 (N. March 2, O. – Emperor Nicholas II of Russia abdicates his throne and his son's claims. This is considered to be the end of the Russian Empire, after 196 years. March 16 (N. March 3, O. – Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich of Russia refuses the throne, and power passes to the newly formed Provisional Government, under Prince Georgy Lvov. March 25 – The Georgian Orthodox Church restores the autocephaly, abolished by Imperial Russia in 1811. March 26 – WWI – First Battle of Gaza: British Egyptian Expeditionary Force troops virtually encircle the Gaza garrison, but are then ordered to withdraw, leaving the city to the Ottoman defenders. March 30 – Hjalmar Hammarskjöld steps down as Prime Minister of Sweden; he is replaced by right-wing businessman and politician Carl Swartz. March 31 – The United States takes possession of the Danish West Indies, which become the US Virgin Islands, after paying 25 million to Denmark. April [ edit] April – Imokawa Mukuzo Genkanban no Maki, the first anime, is released in Japan. April 2 – WWI: U. President Woodrow Wilson asks the United States Congress for a declaration of war on Germany. April 6 – WWI: The United States declares war on Germany. April 8 (N. March 26, O. – In Petrograd, 40, 000 ethnic Estonians demand national autonomy within Russia. April 9 – May 16 – WWI – Battle of Arras: British Empire troops make a significant advance on the Western Front but are unable to achieve a breakthrough. April 9 – 12 – WWI: Canadian troops win the Battle of Vimy Ridge. April 10 – An ammunition factory explosion in Chester, Pennsylvania kills 133. April 11 – WWI: Brazil severs diplomatic relations with Germany. April 12 (N. March 30 O. – The Autonomous Governorate of Estonia is formed within Russia, from the Governorate of Estonia and the northern part of the Governorate of Livonia. April 16 (N. April 3, O. – Vladimir Lenin arrives at the Finland Station in Petrograd. WWI: The Nivelle Offensive commences. April 17 (N. April 4, O. – Vladimir Lenin 's April Theses are published. [3] They become very influential in the following July Days and Bolshevik Revolution. WWI: The Egyptian Expeditionary Force begins the Second Battle of Gaza. This unsuccessful frontal attack on strong Ottoman defences along with the first battle, results in 10, 000 casualties, the dismissal of force commander General Archibald Murray, and the beginning of the Stalemate in Southern Palestine. The Times and the Daily Mail (London newspapers both owned by Lord Northcliffe) print atrocity propaganda of the supposed existence of a German Corpse Factory processing dead soldiers' bodies. [4] 5] 6] 7] April 26 – WWI: The Agreement of Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne, between France, Italy and the United Kingdom, to settle interests in the Middle East, is signed. May [ edit] May 9 – WWI: The Nivelle Offensive is abandoned. May 13 – Nuncio Eugenio Pacelli, the future Pope Pius XII, is consecrated Archbishop by Pope Benedict XV. [8] May 13 – October 13 (at monthly intervals) – 10-year-old Lúcia Santos and her cousins Francisco and Jacinta Marto report experiencing a series of Marian apparitions near Fátima, Portugal, which become known as Our Lady of Fátima. May 15 – Robert Nivelle is replaced as Commander-in-Chief of the French Army, by Philippe Pétain. May 18 – WWI: The Selective Service Act passes the United States Congress, giving the President the power of conscription. May 21 – Over 300 acres (73 blocks) are destroyed in the Great Atlanta fire of 1917 in the United States. May 22 The Commissioned Officer Corps of the U. Coast and Geodetic Survey is established. Ell Persons is lynched in Memphis, in connection with the rape and murder of 16-year-old Antoinette Rappal. May 23 A month of civil violence in Milan, Italy ends, after the Italian army forcibly takes over the city from anarchists and anti-war revolutionaries; 50 people are killed and 800 arrested. [9] WWI: During the Stalemate in Southern Palestine the Raid on the Beersheba to Hafir el Auja railway, by the British Desert Column, large sections of the railway line linking Beersheba to the main Ottoman desert base are destroyed. May 26 – A tornado strikes Mattoon, Illinois, causing devastation and killing 101 people. May 27 – WWI: Over 30, 000 French troops refuse to go to the trenches at Missy-aux-Bois. May 27 – Pope Benedict XV promulgates the 1917 Code of Canon Law. June [ edit] June 1 – French Army Mutinies: A French infantry regiment seizes Missy-aux-Bois, and declares an anti-war military government. Other French army troops soon apprehend them. June 4 – The first Pulitzer Prizes are awarded: Laura E. Richards, Maud Howe Elliott and Florence Hall receive the first Pulitzer for a biography, for Julia Ward Howe. Jean Jules Jusserand receives the first Pulitzer for history, for his work With Americans of Past and Present Days. Herbert Bayard Swope receives the first Pulitzer for journalism, for his work for the New York World. June 5 – WWI: Conscription begins in the United States. June 7 – WWI: Battle of Messines opens with the British Army detonating 24 ammonal mines under the German lines, killing 10, 000 in the deadliest deliberate non-nuclear man-made explosion in history. June 8 – Speculator Mine disaster: A fire at the Granite Mountain and Speculator ore mine, outside Butte, Montana, kills at least 168 workers. June 11 – King Constantine I of Greece abdicates for the first time, being succeeded by his son Alexander. June 13 – WWI: The first major German bombing raid on London by fixed-wing aircraft leaves 162 dead and 432 injured. June 15 – The United States enacts the Espionage Act. July [ edit] July – The first Cottingley Fairies photographs are taken in Yorkshire, England, apparently depicting fairies (a hoax not admitted by the child creators until 1981. July 1 East St. Louis riot: A labor dispute ignites a race riot in East St. Louis, Illinois, which leaves 250 dead. Russian General Brusilov begins the major Kerensky Offensive in Galicia, initially advancing towards Lemberg. July 2 – WWI: Greece joins the war on the side of the Allies. [10] 11] July 6 – WWI: Battle of Aqaba: Arabian troops, led by T. E. Lawrence, capture Aqaba from the Ottoman Empire. The Conscription Crisis of 1917 in Canada leads to passage of the Military Service Act. July 7 – The Lions Clubs International is formed in the United States. July 8 – 13 – WWI – First Battle of Ramadi: British troops fail to take Ramadi from the Ottoman Empire; a majority of British casualties are due to extreme heat. July 12 – Bisbee Deportation: The Phelps Dodge Corporation deports over 1, 000 suspected IWW members from Bisbee, Arizona. July 16 – July 17 – Russian troops mutiny, abandon the Austrian front, and retreat to the Ukraine; hundreds are shot by their commanding officers during the retreat. July 16 – July 18 – July Days: Serious clashes occur in Petrograd; Vladimir Lenin escapes to Finland; Leon Trotsky is arrested. July 17 – King George V of the United Kingdom issues a proclamation, stating that thenceforth the male line descendants of the British Royal Family will bear the surname Windsor, vice the Germanic bloodline of House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, which is an offshoot of the historic (800+ years) House of Wettin. July 20 The Parliament of Finland, with a Social Democratic majority, passes a "Sovereignty Act" declaring itself, as the representative of the Finnish people, sovereign over the Grand Principality of Finland. The Russian Provisional Government does not recognize the act, as it would have devolved Russian sovereignty over Finland, formerly exercised by the Russian Emperor as Grand Prince of Finland, and alter the relationship between Finland and Russia into a real union, with Russia solely responsible for the defence and foreign relations of an independent Finland. ( July 7, O. – Alexander Kerensky becomes premier of the Russian Provisional Government, replacing Prince Georgy Lvov. The Russian Provisional Government enacts women's suffrage. The Corfu Declaration, which enables the establishment of the post-war Kingdom of Yugoslavia, is signed by the Yugoslav Committee and the Kingdom of Serbia. July 20 – July 28 – WWI: Austrian and German forces repulse the Russian advance into Galicia. July 25 – Sir William Thomas White introduces Canada's first income tax as a "temporary" measure (lowest bracket is 4% and highest is 25. July 28 – The Silent Parade is organized by the NAACP in New York City, to protest the East St. Louis riot of July 2, as well as lynchings in Tennessee and Texas. July 30 – The Parliament of Finland is dissolved by the Russian Provisional Government. New elections are held in the autumn, resulting in a bourgeois majority. July 31 – WWI – Battle of Passchendaele ( Third Battle of Ypres. Allied offensive operations commence in Flanders. August [ edit] August 2 – August 3 – The Green Corn Rebellion, an uprising by several hundred farmers against the WWI draft, takes place in central Oklahoma. August 2 – Squadron Commander E. H. Dunning lands his aircraft on the ship HMS Furious in Scapa Flow, Orkney. He is killed 5 days later during another landing on the ship. August 3 – The New York Guard is founded. August 10 – A general strike begins in Spain; it is smashed after 2 days with 70 left dead, hundreds of wounded and 2, 000 arrests. August 14 – The Republic of China declares war on Germany and Austria-Hungary. August 17 – One of English literature's important meetings takes place, when Wilfred Owen introduces himself to Siegfried Sassoon at the Craiglockhart War Hospital in Edinburgh. August 18 – The Great Thessaloniki Fire of 1917 in Greece destroys 32% of the city, leaving 70, 000 individuals homeless. August 29 – WWI: The Military Service Act is passed in the House of Commons of Canada, giving the Government of Canada the right to conscript men into the army. September [ edit] September 14 (September 1 Old Style) – Russia is declared a republic, by the Provisional Government. September 23 – Leon Trotsky is elected Chairman of the Petrograd Soviet. September 25 – The Mossovet ( Moscow Soviet of People's Deputies) votes to side with the Bolsheviks. September 26 – October 3 – WWI – Battle of Polygon Wood (part of the Battle of Passchendaele) near Ypres in Belgium: British and Australian troops capture positions from the Germans. September 28 – 29 – WWI – Second Battle of Ramadi: British troops take Ramadi from the Ottoman Empire. October [ edit] October 4 – WWI – Battle of Broodseinde near Ypres: British Imperial forces overpower the German 4th Army 's defences. October 12 – WWI – First Battle of Passchendaele: Allies fail to take a German defensive position, with the biggest loss of life in a single day for New Zealand, over 800 of whose men and 60 officers are killed, roughly 1 in 1, 000 of the nation's population at this time. October 12 - 19 – WWI – Operation Albion: German forces land on and capture the West Estonian archipelago. October 13 – The Miracle of the Sun is reported at Fátima, Portugal. October 15 – WWI: At Vincennes outside Paris, Dutch dancer Mata Hari is executed by firing squad for spying for Germany. October 19 Dallas Love Field Airport is opened in Texas. Carl Swartz leaves office as Prime Minister of Sweden, after dismal election results for the right-wing in the Riksdag elections in September. He is replaced by liberal leader and history professor Nils Edén. October 23 – A Brazilian ship is destroyed by a German U-Boat, encouraging Brazil to enter World War I. October 24 WWI – Battle of Caporetto: Austrian and German forces penetrate Italian lines as far south as the Piave River. It is the first major engagement for junior German officer Erwin Rommel. October 26 – WWI: Brazil declares war against the Central Powers. October 27 – WWI – Battle of Buqqar Ridge: Ottoman forces attack British Desert Mounted Corps units garrisoning El-Buqqar Ridge, during the last days of the Stalemate in Southern Palestine. October 31 – WWI – Battle of Beersheba: The British XX Corps and Desert Mounted Corps ( Egyptian Expeditionary Force) attack and capture Beersheba from Ottoman forces, ending the stalemate in Southern Palestine. The battle includes a rare (by this date) mounted charge, by Australian mounted infantry. November [ edit] November 1 – WWI: The British XXI Corps of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force begins the Third Battle of Gaza. The British Desert Mounted Corps begins the Battle of Tel el Khuweilfe, in the direction of Hebron and Jerusalem. November 2 – Zionism: The British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour makes the Balfour Declaration, proclaiming British support for the "establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people. it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities. November 5 (N. October 23, O. – Estonian and Russian Bolsheviks seize power in Tallinn, Autonomous Governorate of Estonia, two days before the October Revolution in Petrograd. November 6 WWI – Second Battle of Passchendaele: After 3 months of fierce fighting, Canadian forces take Passchendaele in Belgium (the battle concludes on November 10. WWI: The Battle of Hareira and Sheria is launched by the British XX Corps and Desert Mounted Corps, against the central Ottoman defences protecting the Gaza to Beersheba Road. Militants from Trotsky's committee join with trusty Bolshevik soldiers, to seize government buildings and pounce on members of the provisional government. November 7 (N. October 25, O. – October Revolution in Russia: The workers of the Petrograd Soviet in Russia, led by the Bolshevik Party and leader Vladimir Lenin, storm the Winter Palace and successfully destroy the Kerensky Provisional Government after less than eight months of rule. This immediately triggers the Russian Civil War. Iran (which has provided weapons for Russia) refuses to support the Allied Forces after the October Revolution. WWI – Third Battle of Gaza: The British Army XXI Corps occupies Gaza, after the Ottoman garrison withdraws. WWI: The Battle of Hareira and Sheria continues, when the XX Corps and Desert Mounted Corps capture Hareira and Sheria, marking the end of the Ottoman Gaza to Beersheba line. Women's Suffrage in the United States: Women win the right to vote in New York State. [12] November 13 – WWI: Battle of Mughar Ridge: The Egyptian Expeditionary Force attacks retreating Yildirim Army Group forces, resulting in the capture of 10, 000 Ottoman prisoners, 100 guns and 50 miles (80 km) of Palestine territory. The ANZAC Mounted Division ( Desert Mounted Corps) successfully fights the Battle of Ayun Kara, in the aftermath of the Battle of Mughar Ridge against strong German rearguards. November 15 "Night of Terror" in the United States: Influential suffragettes from the Silent Sentinels are deliberately subjected to physical assaults by guards while imprisoned. The Parliament of Finland passes another "Sovereignty Act" dissolving Russian sovereignty over Finland and effectively declaring Finland independent. (N. November 2, O. – The Provincial Assembly of the Autonomous Governorate of Estonia declares itself the highest legal body in Estonia, in opposition to Bolsheviks. November 16 WWI: Battle of Ayun Kara: The ANZAC Mounted Division occupies Jaffa. Georges Clemenceau becomes prime minister of France. November 17 WWI: Action of 17 November 1917: United States Navy destroyers USS Fanning and USS Nicholson capture Imperial German Navy U-boat SM U-58 off the south-west coast of Ireland, the first combat action in which U. ships take a submarine (which is then scuttled. WWI: The Battle of Jerusalem (1917) begins, with the Egyptian Expeditionary Force launching attacks against Ottoman forces in the Judean Hills. The People's Dispensary for Sick Animals is founded in the United Kingdom. November 20 WWI – Battle of Cambrai: British forces, using tanks, make early progress in an attack on German positions, but are soon beaten back. The Ukraine is declared a republic. November 22 – In Montreal, Quebec, Canada, the National Hockey Association suspends operations. November 23 – The Bolsheviks release the full text of the previously secret Sykes–Picot Agreement of 1916 in Izvestia and Pravda; it is printed in the Manchester Guardian on November 26. November 24 – A bomb kills 9 members of the Milwaukee Police Department, the most deaths in a single event in U. police history (until the September 11 attacks in 2001. November 25 – WWI – Battle of Ngomano: German forces defeat a Portuguese army of about 1, 200 at Negomano, on the border of modern-day Mozambique and Tanzania. November 26 – The National Hockey League is formed in Montreal, as a replacement for the recently disbanded National Hockey Association. November 28 – WWI: The Bolsheviks offer peace terms to the Germans. December [ edit] December – Annie Besant becomes president of the Indian National Congress. December 3 – After nearly 20 years of planning and construction, the Quebec Bridge opens to traffic (the bridge partially collapsed on August 29, 1907 and September 11, 1916. December 6 The Senate of Finland officially declares the country's independence from Russia. Halifax Explosion: Two freighters collide in Halifax Harbour at Halifax, Nova Scotia, and cause a huge explosion that kills at least 1, 963 people, injures 9, 000 and destroys part of the city (the biggest man-made explosion in recorded history until the Trinity nuclear test in 1945. WWI: U. Navy destroyer USS Jacob Jones is torpedoed and sunk in the Atlantic Ocean by German submarine U-53, killing 66 crew in the first significant American naval loss of the war. [13] December 9 – WWI – Battle of Jerusalem: The British Egyptian Expeditionary Force accepts the surrender of Jerusalem by the mayor, Hussein al-Husayni, following the effective defeat of the Ottoman Empire 's Yildirim Army Group. December 11 – WWI: General Edmund Allenby leads units of the British Egyptian Expeditionary Force into Jerusalem on foot through, the Jaffa Gate. December 17 – The Raad van Vlaanderen proclaims the independence of Flanders. December 20 (N. December 7, O. – The Cheka, a predecessor to the KGB, is established in Russia. December 23 (N. December 10, O. – A local plebiscite supports transferring Narva and Ivangorod ( Jaanilinn) from the Petrograd Governorate, to the Autonomous Governorate of Estonia. December 25 – Jesse Lynch Williams 's Why Marry? the first dramatic play to win a Pulitzer Prize, opens at the Astor Theatre, New York City. December 26 – United States President Woodrow Wilson uses the Federal Possession and Control Act to place most U. railroads under the United States Railroad Administration, hoping to transport troops and materials for the war effort more efficiently. December 30 – WWI: The Egyptian Expeditionary Force secures the victory at the Battle of Jerusalem, by successfully defending Jerusalem from numerous Yildirim Army Group counterattacks. Date unknown [ edit] Following the October Revolution, Alexandra Kollontai is appointed People's Commissar for Social Welfare in the Council of People's Commissars of the Government of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, the first woman cabinet minister in Europe. Women are permitted to stand in national elections in the Netherlands. The True Jesus Church is established in Beijing. Births [ edit] January 2 Albin F. Irzyk, American Brigadier General (d. 2018) Vera Zorina, German dancer, actress (d. 2003) K. M. Mathew, Indian newspaper editor (d. 2010) January 3 Roger W. Straus, Jr., American publisher (d. 2004) Liu Zhonghua, Chinese military officer (d. 2018) Jesse White, American actor (d. 1997) D. J. Finney, British statistician (d. 2018) January 5 Adolfo Consolini, Italian discus thrower (d. 1969) Lucienne Day, British textile designer (d. 2010) Francis L. Kellogg, American diplomat, prominent socialite (d. 2006) Jane Wyman, American actress, philanthropist, and first wife of Ronald Reagan (d. 2007) January 6 – Koo Chen-fu, Nationalist Chinese negotiator (d. 2005) January 10 Saul Cherniack, Canadian politician, lawyer (d. 2018) Jerry Wexler, American record producer (d. 2008) January 12 – Jimmy Skinner, American hockey coach (d. 2007) 14] January 15 – K. A. Thangavelu, Indian film actor, comedian (d. 1994) January 16 – Carl Karcher, American founder of the Carl's Jr. hamburger chain (d. 2008) January 17 – M. G. Ramachandran, Tamil Nadu chief minister, actor (d. 1987) January 19 – Graham Higman, British mathematician (d. 2008) January 21 – Erling Persson, Swedish businessman, founder of H&M (d. 2002) January 24 – Ernest Borgnine, American actor (d. 2012) Ilya Prigogine, Russian-born physicist, chemist, and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry (d. 2003) Jânio Quadros, 22nd President of Brazil (d. 1992) January 26 William Verity Jr., 27th United States Secretary of Commerce (d. 2007) Louis Zamperini, American prisoner of war (World War II) Olympic distance athlete (1936) and Christian evangelist (d. 2014) January 29 – John Raitt, American actor, singer (d. 2005) February 1 Ed Simons, American musician (d. 2018) Squadron Leader James "Ginger" Lacey, the top scoring RAF fighter pilot during the Battle of Britain (d. 1989) February 2 Mary Ellis, British ferry pilot (d. 2018) Đỗ Mười, Vietnamese leader (d. 2018) February 3 – Shlomo Goren, Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel (d. 1994) February 4 – Yahya Khan, 3rd President of Pakistan (d. 1980) February 5 – Isuzu Yamada, Japanese actress (d. 2012) February 6 John Franzese, Italian-born American prisoner Zsa Zsa Gabor, Hungarian-born actress (d. 2016) Arnold Spielberg, American electrical engineer and father of Steven Spielberg February 9 – Joseph Conombo, Prime Minister of Upper Volta (d. 2008) February 11 T. Nagi Reddy, Indian revolutionary (d. 1976) Sidney Sheldon, American author, television writer (d. 2007) February 12 – Dom DiMaggio, American baseball player (d. 2009) February 14 – Herbert A. Hauptman, American mathematician, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry (d. 2011) February 15 – Meg Wyllie, American actress (d. 2002) February 17 Abdel Rahman Badawi, Egyptian existentialist philosopher (d. 2002) Whang-od, Filipino mambabatok or tattoo artist February 18 – Tuulikki Pietilä, Finnish artist (d. 2009) February 19 – Carson McCullers, American author (d. 1967) February 20 Juan Vicente Torrealba, Venezuelan harpist, composer (d. 2019) Wilma Vinsant, American flight nurse who served during WWII (d. 1945) February 21 – Lucille Bremer, American actress, dancer (d. 1996) February 23 – Abdelmunim Al-Rifai, 2-time Prime Minister of Jordan (d. 1985) February 25 Anthony Burgess, English author (d. 1993) Brenda Joyce, American actress (d. 2009) February 26 – Robert Taft Jr., American politician (d. 1993) February 27 John Connally, Governor of Texas (d. 1993) Laine Mesikäpp, Estonian actress, singer and folk song collector (d. 2012) February 28 – Ernesto Alonso, Mexican actor, director, cinematographer, and producer (d. 2007) March 1 – Robert Lowell, American poet (d. 1977) March 2 Desi Arnaz, Cuban-born American actor, bandleader, musician, and television producer; co-founder of Desilu Productions (d. 1986) Babiker Awadalla, 8th Prime Minister of Sudan (d. 2019) Laurie Baker, English architect (d. 2007) Max Webb, Polish-American real estate developer and philanthropist (d. 2018) March 3 – Sameera Moussa, Egyptian nuclear scientist (d. 1952) March 4 – Clyde McCullough, American baseball catcher (d. 1982) March 5 – Raymond P. Shafer, Governor of Pennsylvania (d. 2006) March 6 Samael Aun Weor, Colombian writer (d. 1977) Ruth Dayan, Israeli fashion designer Will Eisner, American cartoonist (d. 2005) March 9 – Jack Laver, Tasmanian cricketer (d. 2017) March 10 Edith Iglauer, American writer (d. 2019) Zbigniew Ścibor-Rylski, Polish Brigadier General (d. 2018) March 12 Giovanni Benedetti, Italian Catholic prelate (d. 2017) Leonard Chess, American record company executive, co-founder of Chess Records (d. 1969) Googie Withers, British actress (d. 2011) March 16 – Mehrdad Pahlbod, Iranian royal and politician (d. 2018) March 18 – Mircea Ionescu-Quintus, Romanian politician (d. 2017) March 19 Dinu Lipatti, Romanian pianist (d. 1950) Peggy Ahern, American actress (d. 2012) Sardon Jubir, Malaysian politician (d. 1985) March 20 Haddon Donald, New Zealand Army Lieutenant Colonel and politician (d. 2018) Vera Lynn, English actress, singer March 21 Anton Coppola, American opera conductor, composer Yigael Yadin, Israeli archeologist, politician, and Military Chief of Staff (d. 1984) March 22 – Virginia Grey, American actress (d. 2004) March 23 – Kenneth Tobey, American actor (d. 2002) March 24 Constantine Andreou, Brazilian-Greek artist (d. 2007) John Kendrew, British molecular biologist, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry (d. 1997) March 26 – Rufus Thomas, American singer (d. 2001) March 27 Takumi Furukawa, Japanese film director (d. 2018) Cyrus Vance, American politician (d. 2002) March 29 – Man o' War, champion thoroughbred racehorse (d. 1947) April 1 Sydney Newman, Canadian-born television producer (d. 1997) Leon Janney, American actor (d. 1980) April 2 – Dabbs Greer, American actor (d. 2007) April 3 – Edward Rowny, American army lieutenant general (d. 2017) April 5 – Robert Bloch, American writer (d. 1994) April 7 – R. Armstrong, American actor (d. 2012) April 8 John Whitney, American animator, composer, and pioneer in computer animation (d. 1995) Hubertus Ernst, Dutch Roman Catholic prelate (d. 2017) April 9 – Brad Dexter, American actor (d. 2002) April 10 – Robert Burns Woodward, American chemist, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 1979) April 11 – Morton Sobell, American spy (d. 2018) April 12 – Demal Bijedić, Yugoslav politician (d. 1977) April 13 Robert O. Anderson, American businessman, founder of Atlantic Richfield Oil Co. (d. 2007) Bill Clements, Governor of Texas (d. 2011) Li Rui, Chinese Communist Party politician (d. 2019) April 14 Valerie Hobson, British actress (d. 1998) Marvin Miller, American baseball executive (d. 2012) April 15 – Hans Conried, American actor (d. 1982) April 16 – Barry Nelson, American actor (d. 2007) April 22 Yvette Chauviré, French ballerina (d. 2016) Ambrose Schindler, American football player, actor (d. 2018) April 23 – Dorian Leigh, American model (d. 2008) April 25 – Ella Fitzgerald, American jazz singer (d. 1996) April 26 I. Pei, Chinese-born architect (d. 2019) Virgil Trucks, American baseball player (d. 2013) April 28 Minoru Chiaki, Japanese actor (d. 1999) Robert Cornthwaite, American actor (d. 2006) April 29 Celeste Holm, American actress (d. 2012) Maya Deren, Russian-American experimental filmmaker (d. 1961) April 30 – Bea Wain, American singer (d. 2017) May 1 John Beradino, American baseball player and actor, best known for his role in General Hospital (d. 1996) Ulric Cross, Trinidadian judge, diplomat and war hero (d. 2013) Danielle Darrieux, French singer, actress (d. 2017) Fyodor Khitruk, Russian animator (d. 2012) May 3 José Del Vecchio, Venezuelan physician, youth baseball promoter (d. 1990) George Gaynes, Finland-born American actor (d. 2016) Kiro Gligorov, 1st President of the Republic of Macedonia (d. 2012) May 6 – Morihiro Higashikuni, Japanese prince (d. 1969) May 7 – David Tomlinson, English actor (d. 2000) May 8 John Anderson, Jr., American politician (d. 2014) Kenneth N. Taylor, translator of The Living Bible (d. 2005) May 12 – Frank Clair, Canadian football coach (d. 2005) May 14 – Lou Harrison, American composer (d. 2003) May 15 Eleanor Maccoby, American psychologist (d. 2018) Jerzy Duszyński, Polish actor (d. 1978) May 16 – Juan Rulfo, Mexican writer, photographer (d. 1986) May 20 – Bergur Sigurbjörnsson, Icelandic politician (d. 2005) May 21 – Raymond Burr, Canadian actor, best known for his role in Perry Mason (d. 1993) Sid Melton, American actor (d. 2011) Georg Tintner, Austrian conductor (d. 1999) May 24 – Florence Knoll, American architect, furniture designer (d. 2019) May 25 – Theodore Hesburgh, American priest, educator (d. 2015) May 28 Papa John Creach, African-American fiddler (d. 1994) Marshall Reed, American film, television actor (d. 1980) May 29 – John F. Kennedy, 35th President of the United States (d. 1963) May 31 – Zilka Salaberry, Brazilian actress (d. 2005) June 1 – William S. Knowles, American chemist, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 2012) June 2 – Max Showalter, American actor, musician (d. 2000) June 3 – Leo Gorcey, American actor (d. 1969) June 4 Robert Merrill, American baritone (d. 2004) Howard Metzenbaum, American Jewish Senator from Ohio (d. 2008) June 6 – Kirk Kerkorian, Armenian-American businessman, billionaire (d. 2015) June 7 Gwendolyn Brooks, African-American writer (d. 2000) Dean Martin, American actor, singer (d. 1995) June 8 George D. Wallace, American actor (d. 2005) Byron White, American football player and Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States (d. 2002) June 9 – Eric Hobsbawm, Egyptian-born British historian (d. 2012) June 10 DeWitt Hale, American politician (d. 2018) Ruari McLean, Scottish-born typographer (d. 2006) Al Schwimmer, American-Israeli businessman (d. 2011) June 13 – Augusto Roa Bastos, Paraguayan writer (d. 2005) June 14 Lise Nørgaard, Danish journalist, writer Atle Selberg, Norwegian mathematician (d. 2007) June 15 John Fenn, American chemist, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 2010) Lash LaRue, American cowboy actor (d. 1996) June 16 Phaedon Gizikis, President of Greece (d. 1999) Katharine Graham, American publisher (d. 2001) Irving Penn, American photographer (d. 2009) June 17 Ben Bubar, American presidential candidate (d. 1995) Huang Feili, Chinese conductor, musical educator (d. 2017) June 18 Richard Boone, American actor (d. 1981) Ross Elliott, American actor (d. 1999) Erik Ortvad, Danish artist (d. 2008) June 19 Robert Baker Aitken, American Zen Buddhist teacher (d. 2010) Robert Karnes, American actor (d. 1979) June 21 – Leslie Shepard, British author, archivist and curator (d. 2004) June 24 Lucy Jarvis, American television producer (d. 2020) Ahmad Sayyed Javadi, Iranian lawyer, political activist and politician (d. 2013) June 25 Nils Karlsson, Swedish Olympic cross-country skier (d. 2012) Claude Seignolle, French author (d. 2018) June 26 – Idriz Ajeti, Albanian albanologist (d. 2019) June 28 – A. Hotchner, American editor, novelist, playwright and biographer June 29 – Ling Yun, Chinese politician (d. 2018) June 30 Susan Hayward, American actress (d. 1975) Lena Horne, American singer, actress (d. 2010) Willa Kim, American costume designer, actress (d. 2016) Shyam Saran Negi, Indian schoolteacher Virginia Dale, American actress, dancer (d. 1994) Álvaro Domecq y Díez, Spanish aristocrat (d. 2005) Humphry Osmond, British psychiatrist (d. 2004) July 2 – André Lafargue, French journalist, resistance fighter (d. 2017) July 3 – Donald Wills Douglas, Jr., American industrialist, sportsman (d. 2004) July 4 – Manolete, Spanish bullfighter (d. 1947) July 5 – Kathleen Gemberling Adkison, American abstract painter (d. 2010) July 6 Arthur Lydiard, New Zealand runner, athletics coach (d. 2004) Heribert Barrera, Spanish chemist, politician (d. 2011) July 7 Larry O'Brien, American politician, former NBA commissioner (d. 1990) Fidel Sánchez Hernández, President of El Salvador (d. 2003) July 8 – Pamela Brown, English actress (d. 1975) July 9 Krystyna Dańko, Polish orphan, survivor of the Holocaust (d. 2019) Peter Moyes, Australian educator (d. 2007) Frank Wayne, American television game show producer (d. 1988) July 10 Şeref Alemdar, Turkish basketball player Don Herbert, American television personality, better known as Mr. Wizard (d. 2007) Dayton S. Mak, U. diplomat (d. 2018) Reg Smythe, English cartoonist (d. 1998) July 11 – Per Carleson, Swedish épée fencer (d. 2004) July 12 Luigi Gorrini, Italian soldier, pilot (d. 2014) Andrew Wyeth, American painter (d. 2009) Satyendra Narayan Sinha, Indian statesman (d. 2006) July 14 – Frank Vigar, English cricketer (d. 2004) July 15 Robert Conquest, British historian (d. 2015) Reidar Liaklev, Norwegian speed skater (d. 2006) Joan Roberts, American actress (d. 2012) July 16 – Alex Urban, American football player (d. 2007) July 17 Gus Arriola, Mexican-American comic strip cartoonist, animator (d. 2008) Lou Boudreau, American professional baseball player, manager (d. 2001) Phyllis Diller, American actress, comedian (d. 2012) Kenan Evren, 7th President of Turkey (d. 2015) Generoso Jiménez, Cuban trombone player (d. 2007) July 18 Henri Salvador, French singer (d. 2008) Paul Streeten, Austrian-born British economics professor (d. 2019) July 19 – William Scranton, American politician (d. 2013) Harold Faragher, English cricketer (d. 2006) Paul Hubschmid, Swiss actor (d. 2001) July 21 Alan B. Gold, Canadian lawyer, jurist (d. 2005) Sidney Leviss, American Democratic politician (d. 2007) July 22 Larry Hooper, American singer, musician (d. 1983) Adam Malik, 3rd Vice President of Indonesia (d. 1984) July 23 – Omar Yoke Lin Ong, Malaysian politician, diplomat and businessman (d. 2010) July 24 Henri Betti, French composer, pianist (d. 2005) Clarence F. Stephens, American mathematician, educator (d. 2018) July 25 – Fritz Honegger, 79th President of Switzerland (d. 1999) July 26 – Lorna Gray, American actress (d. 2017) July 27 – Wu Zhonghua, Chinese physicist, pioneered three-dimensional flow theory (d. 1992) July 29 – Rochus Misch, German bodyguard of Adolf Hitler (d. 2013) July 30 – Keith Rae, Australian rules footballer August 3 Les Elgart, American bandleader (d. 1995) August 6 – Robert Mitchum, American actor (d. 1997) August 7 – Raja Perempuan Zainab, Queen of Malaysia (d. 1993) August 8 – Earl Cameron, Bermudian actor August 9 – Jao Tsung-I, Chinese-born Hong Kong scholar, poet, calligrapher and painter (d. 2018) August 11 Vasiľ Biľak, former Slovak Communist leader (d. 2014) Dik Browne, American cartoonist, creator of Hägar the Horrible (d. 1989) Jack Smith, American football end (d. 2015) August 12 – Marjorie Reynolds, American actress (d. 1997) August 14 – Marty Glickman, American sports announcer (d. 2001) August 15 Jack Lynch, 5th Prime Minister of Ireland (d. 1999) Óscar Romero, Salvadoran Roman Catholic Archbishop (d. 1980) August 17 – Zvi Keren, American-born Israeli pianist, musicologist and composer (d. 2008) August 18 – Caspar Weinberger, United States Secretary of Defense (d. 2006) August 21 – Esther Cooper Jackson, African-American civil rights activist August 22 John Lee Hooker, African-American musician (d. 2001) Raymond G. Perelman, American businessman (d. 2019) August 23 – Hu Chengzhi, Chinese palaeontologist, palaeoanthropologist (d. 2018) August 25 Lou van Burg, Dutch television personality, game show host (d. 1986) Mel Ferrer, Cuban-American actor, film director, producer (d. 2008) Lisbeth Movin, Danish actress (d. 2011) August 28 – Jack Kirby, American comic book artist (d. 1994) August 29 – Isabel Sanford, African-American actress, best known for her role in The Jeffersons (d. 2004) August 30 – Denis Healey, English politician, author (d. 2015) September 5 – Art Rupe, American music industry executive, record producer September 6 – Philipp von Boeselager, German Wehrmacht officer, failed assassin of Adolf Hitler (d. 2008) September 7 Xerardo Fernández Albor, Spanish politician and physician (d. 2018) Leonard Cheshire, British war hero (d. 1992) John Cornforth, Australian chemist, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 2013) Tetsuo Hamuro, Japanese swimmer (d. 2005) September 10 – Miguel Serrano, Chilean diplomat, explorer and journalist (d. 2009) September 11 Donald Blakeslee, American aviator (d. 2008) Herbert Lom, Czech-born British actor (d. 2012) Ferdinand Marcos, 10th President of the Philippines (d. 1989) Jessica Mitford, Anglo-American writer (d. 1996) Daniel Wildenstein, French art dealer, racehorse owner (d. 2001) September 13 – Robert Ward, American composer (d. 2013) September 15 Carola B. Eisenberg, American psychiatrist, educator Buddy Jeannette, American basketball player, coach (d. 1998) September 17 – Henry Pearce, Australian politician September 18 – June Foray, American voice actress best known for "Rocky and Bullwinkle" d. 2017) September 20 Red Auerbach, American basketball coach, official (d. 2006) Fernando Rey, Spanish actor (d. 1994) September 22 – Anna Campori, Italian actress (d. 2018) September 23 Asima Chatterjee, Indian chemist (d. 2006) El Santo, Mexican professional wrestler and actor (d. 1984) September 24 – Otto Günsche, German general (d. 2003) September 25 – Johnny Sain, American baseball player (d. 2006) September 26 – Tran Duc Thao, Vietnamese phenomenologist and Marxist philosopher (d. 1993) September 27 – Louis Auchincloss, American novelist (d. 2010) October 2 Christian de Duve, English-born biologist, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (d. 2013) Charles Drake, American actor (d. 1994) Francis Jackson, English organist, composer October 3 – Les Schwab, American businessman (d. 2007) October 5 – Allen Ludden, American game show host (d. 1981) October 6 – Fannie Lou Hamer, African-American civil rights activist (d. 1977) October 7 – June Allyson, American actress (d. 2006) October 8 Danny Murtaugh, American baseball player, manager (d. 1976) Rodney Robert Porter, English biochemist, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (d. 1985) October 9 – Don Marion Davis, American child actor October 10 – Thelonious Monk, African-American jazz pianist (d. 1982) October 11 – J. Edward McKinley, American actor (d. 2004) October 13 – George Virl Osmond, Osmond family patriarch (d. 2007) October 15 Adele Stimmel Chase, American artist (d. 2000) Jan Miner, American actress (d. 2004) Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., American historian, political commentator (d. 2007) October 16 – Alice Pearce, American actress (d. 1966) October 17 Martin Donnelly, New Zealand cricketer (d. 1999) Marsha Hunt, American actress October 19 – Walter Munk, Austrian-born American oceanographer (d. 2019) October 20 Jean-Pierre Melville, French film director, film producer, and screenwriter (d. 1973) X. Sellathambu, Sri Lankan Tamil politician (d. 1984) October 21 Dizzy Gillespie, African-American musician (d. 1993) Geoffrey Langlands, British army officer and educator (d. 2019) October 22 – Joan Fontaine, British-born actress (d. 2013) October 24 – Fang Huai, Chinese military officer and major general of PLA (d. 2019) October 27 – Oliver Tambo, South African activist, revolutionary (d. 1993) October 28 Honor Frost, pioneer in underwater archaeology (d. 2010) Shams Pahlavi, Iranian royal (d. 1996) Jack Soo, Japanese-American actor (d. 1979) October 30 Paul Eberhard, Swiss bobsledder Maurice Trintignant, French race car driver (d. 2005) October 31 – Gordon Steege, Australian military officer (d. 2013) November 1 Erich Rudorffer, German fighter ace (d. 2016) Clarence E. Miller, American politician (d. 2011) November 2 Durward Knowles, Bahamian sailor, Olympic champion (d. 2018) Ann Rutherford, Canadian actress (d. 2012) November 3 – Chung Sze-yuen, Hong Kong politician (d. 2018) November 4 Leonardo Cimino, American actor (d. 2012) Virginia Field, British-born actress (d. 1992) November 5 – Jacqueline Auriol, French aviator (d. 2000) November 6 – Harlan Warde, American actor (d. 1980) November 10 – Koun Wick, Cambodian statesman and diplomat (d. 1999) November 11 Madeleine Damerment, French WWII heroine (d. 1944) Tony F. Schneider, American naval officer (d. 2010) November 12 Hedley Jones, Jamaican musician (d. 2017) Mohamed Suffian Mohamed Hashim, Malaysian judge (d. 2000) Jo Stafford, American traditional pop singer (d. 2008) November 13 Robert Sterling, American actor (d. 2006) Infanta Alicia, Duchess of Calabria, Austrian-born Spanish and Italian princess (d. 2017) November 14 – Park Chung-hee, former president of South Korea (d. 1979) November 18 – Pedro Infante, Mexican actor, singer (d. 1957) November 19 – Indira Gandhi, 3rd Prime Minister of India (d. 1984) November 20 – Robert Byrd, U. senator from West Virginia, President pro tempore of the United States Senate (d. 2010) November 22 – Andrew Huxley, English scientist, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (d. 2012) November 24 – Shabtai Rosenne, British-born Israeli diplomat, jurist (d. 2010) November 25 – Stanley Wilson, American musician (d. 1970) November 27 – Buffalo Bob Smith, American children's television host (d. 1998) November 28 Orville Rogers, American pilot, competitive runner (d. 2019) Xiang Shouzhi, Chinese general (d. 2017) November 29 – Pierre Gaspard-Huit, French film director, screenwriter (d. 2017) December 4 – Arthur B. Singer, American wildlife artist (d. 1990) December 5 – Wenche Foss, Norwegian actress (d. 2011) Kamal Jumblatt, leader of the Lebanese Druze (d. 1977) Irv Robbins, Canadian-American entrepreneur (d. 2008) December 7 – Hurd Hatfield, American actor (d. 1998) December 8 – Ian Johnson, Australian cricketer (d. 1998) December 9 – James Rainwater, American physicist, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 1986) December 10 – Sultan Yahya Petra of Kelantan, King of Malaysia (d. 1979) December 13 – John Hart, American actor (d. 2009) December 15 Shan-ul-Haq Haqqee, Pakistani poet, author and lexicographer (d. 2005) Karl-Günther von Hase, German diplomat Hilde Zadek, German operatic soprano (d. 2019) December 16 Arthur C. Clarke, British/Sri Lankan science-fiction author, best known for co-writing the screenplay of 2001: A Space Odyssey (d. 2008) Beatrice Wright, American psychologist (d. 2018) December 18 – Ossie Davis, African-American actor, film director and activist (d. 2005) December 19 – Paul Brinegar, American actor (d. 1995) December 20 David Bohm, American-born physicist, philosopher and neuropsychologist (d. 1992) Petrus Hugo, South African WWII fighter pilot (d. 1986) Audrey Totter, American actress (d. 2013) December 21 Diana Athill, British literary editor, novelist and memoirist (d. 2019) Heinrich Böll, German writer, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 1985) December 22 Marthe Gosteli, Swiss women's suffrage campaigner (d. 2017) Gene Rayburn, American television personality, best known as the host of Match Game (d. 1999) December 25 Lincoln Verduga Loor, Ecuadorian journalist, politician (d. 2009) Arseny Mironov, Russian scientist, engineer and pilot (d. 2019) December 27 – Onni Palaste, Finnish writer (d. 2009) December 28 – Ellis Clarke, 1st President of Trinidad and Tobago (d. 2010) December 29 – Ramanand Sagar, Indian film director (d. 2005) December 30 – Seymour Melman, American industrial engineer (d. 2004) December 31 – Suzy Delair, French actress, singer Hazza' al-Majali, 22nd & 32nd Prime Minister of Jordan (d. 1960) Deaths [ edit] January–March [ edit] January 2 – Sir Edward Tylor, English anthropologist (b. 1832) January 4 – Frederick Selous, British explorer (b. 1851) January 6 Sir Frederick Borden, Canadian politician (b. 1847) Hendrick Peter Godfried Quack, Dutch economist, historian (b. 1834) January 8 Sir George Warrender, 7th Baronet, British admiral (b. 1860) Mary Arthur McElroy, de facto First Lady of the United States (b. 1841) January 10 – William F. "Buffalo Bill" Cody, American frontiersman (b. 1846) January 16 – George Dewey, U. admiral (b. 1837) January 18 – Andrew Murray, South African author, educationist and pastor (b. 1828) January 29 – Evelyn Baring, 1st Earl of Cromer, British diplomat and colonial administrator (b. 1841) February 5 – Jaber II Al-Sabah, Emir of Kuwait (b. 1860) February 8 – Anton Haus, Austro-Hungarian admiral (b. 1851) February 10 – John William Waterhouse, Italian-born artist (b. 1849) February 17 – Carolus-Duran, French painter (b. 1837) February 21 Fred Mace, American actor (b. 1878) Joaquín Dicenta, Spanish writer (b. 1862) March 5 – Manuel de Arriaga, 1st President of Portugal (b. 1840) March 6 – Jules Vandenpeereboom, 17th Prime Minister of Belgium (b. 1843) March 8 – Ferdinand von Zeppelin, German general, inventor (b. 1838) March 17 – Franz Brentano, German philosopher, psychologist (b. 1838) March 31 – Emil von Behring, German winner of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (b. 1854) April–June [ edit] April 1 – Scott Joplin, African-American composer, pianist (b. 1867) April 3 – Milton Wright, American bishop, father of the Wright brothers (b. 1828) April 6 – Prince Friedrich Karl of Prussia (b. 1893) April 7 – George Brown, British missionary (b. 1835) April 8 – Richard Olney, American politician (b. 1835) April 13 – Diamond Jim Brady, American businessman and philanthropist (b. 1856) April 14 – L. L. Zamenhof, Polish creator of Esperanto (b. 1859) April 18 – F. C. Burnand, British playwright and comic writer (b. 1836) April 29 – Queen Tehaapapa III, Tahitian queen (b. 1879) May 7 – Albert Ball, British World War I fighter ace, Victoria Cross recipient (b. 1896) May 16 – Robert Sandilands Frowd Walker, British colonial administrator (b. 1850) May 17 Charles Brooke, Rajah of Sarawak (b. 1829) Radomir Putnik, Serbian field marshal (b. 1847) May 18 – John Nevil Maskelyne, English magician and inventor (b. 1839) May 20 – Philipp von Ferrary, Italian stamp collector (b. 1850) May 23 – Queen Ranavalona III of Madagascar (b. 1855) May 24 – Les Darcy, Australian boxer (b. 1895) May 25 Maksim Bahdanovič, Belarusian poet (b. 1891) René Dorme, French World War I fighter ace (b. 1894) May 29 – Kate Harrington, American teacher, writer, and poet (b. 1831) June 3 – Matilda Carse, Irish-born American businesswoman, social reformer (b. 1835) June 5 – Karl Emil Schäfer, German World War I fighter ace (killed in action) b. 1891) June 14 – Thomas W. Benoist, American aviator, aircraft designer and manufacturer, founder of the world ' s first scheduled airline (b. 1874) June 17 – José Manuel Pando, 25th President of Bolivia (b. 1849) June 18 – Titu Maiorescu, Romanian politician, 23rd Prime Minister of Romania (b. 1840) June 26 – John Dunville, British Army officer (killed in action) b. 1896) June 27 Karl Allmenröder, German World War I fighter ace (killed in action) b. 1896) Gustav von Schmoller, German economist (b. 1838) June 29 – Frans Schollaert, 19th Prime Minister of Belgium (b. 1851) June 30 – Antonio de La Gándara, French painter (b. 1861) July–September [ edit] July 2 – Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree, British actor (b. 1852) July 8 – Tom Thomson, Canadian painter (b. 1877) July 12 – Donald Cunnell, British World War I fighter ace (killed in action) b. 1893) July 16 – Philipp Scharwenka, Polish-German composer (b. 1847) July 27 – Emil Kocher, Swiss medical researcher, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (b. 1841) July 28 Stephen Luce, American admiral (b. 1827) Ririkumutima, Queen regent of Burundi July 31 Francis Ledwidge, Irish poet (killed in action) b. 1887) Hedd Wyn, Welsh poet (killed in action) b. 1887) Stéphane Javelle, French astronomer (b. 1864) Ferdinand Georg Frobenius, German mathematician (b. 1849) August 7 – Edwin Harris Dunning, British aviator (b. 1892) August 13 – Eduard Buchner, German chemist, Nobel Prize laureate (b. 1860) August 17 – John W. Kern, American Democratic politician (b. 1849) August 20 – Adolf von Baeyer, German chemist, Nobel Prize laureate (b. 1835) August 30 – Alan Leo, British astrologer (b. 1860) September 9 Boris Stürmer, Russian statesman, former Prime Minister (b. 1848) Madge Syers, British figure skater (b. 1881) September 11 – Georges Guynemer, French World War I fighter ace (missing in action) b. 1894) September 15 – Kurt Wolff, German World War I fighter ace (killed in action) b. 1895) September 23 – Werner Voss, German World War I fighter ace (killed in action) b. 1897) September 26 – Edward Miner Gallaudet, American educator of the deaf (b. 1837) September 27 – Edgar Degas, French painter (b. 1834) September 30 – Patricio Montojo y Pasarón, Spanish admiral (b. 1839) October–December [ edit] October 3 – Eduardo di Capua, Neapolitan composer and songwriter (b. 1865) October 4 – Dave Gallaher, New Zealand rugby union football player (killed in action) b. 1873) October 9 – Sultan Hussein Kamel of Egypt, b. 1853) October 11 – Duke Philipp of Wurttemberg (b. 1838) October 13 – Florence La Badie, American actress (accident) b. 1888) October 15 – Mata Hari, Dutch dancer, spy (executed) b. 1876) October 17 – Bobby Atherton, Welsh footballer (b. 1876) October 22 – Bob Fitzsimmons, British boxer, World Heavyweight Champion (b. 1863) October 23 – Eugène Grasset, Swiss artist (b. 1845) October 27 – Arthur Rhys-Davids, British fighter ace (killed in action) b. 1897) October 28 – Prince Christian of Schleswig-Holstein (b. 1831) October 30 – Heinrich Gontermann, German fighter ace (flying accident) b. 1896) November 3 – Frederick Rodgers, American admiral (b. 1842) November 8 – Colin Blythe, English cricketer (b. 1879) November 11 – Liliʻuokalani, last monarch of the Kingdom of Hawaii (b. 1838) November 15 – Émile Durkheim, French sociologist (b. 1858) November 16 – Adolf Reinach, German philosopher (killed in action) b. 1883) Neil Primrose, British Liberal MP (killed in action) b. 1882) Auguste Rodin, French sculptor (b. 1840) December 8 – Mendele Mocher Sforim, Russian Yiddish, Hebrew writer (b. 1836) December 10 – Sir Mackenzie Bowell, 5th Prime Minister of Canada (b. 1823) December 12 – Andrew Taylor Still, American father of osteopathy (b. 1828) December 17 – Elizabeth Garrett Anderson, English physician and suffragette (b. 1836) December 19 – Richard Maybery, British fighter ace (killed in action) b. 1895) December 20 – Eric Campbell, Scottish actor (accident) b. 1879) Frances Xavier Cabrini, first American canonized as a saint (b. 1850) Stanisław Tondos, Polish painter (b. 1854) December 24 – Ivan Goremykin, Russian statesman, former Prime Minister (b. 1839) December 28 – Alfred Edwin McKay, Canadian fighter ace (killed in action) b. 1892) Nobel Prizes [ edit] Physics – Charles Glover Barkla Chemistry – not awarded Medicine – not awarded Literature – Karl Adolph Gjellerup, Henrik Pontoppidan Peace – International Committee of the Red Cross References [ edit] MacLeod, Duncan (August 14, 2006. UK train accidents in which passengers were killed 1825-1924. PureCollector. Retrieved December 6, 2017. ^ SA Legion – Atteridgeville Branch. "The SS Mendi – A Historical Background. Navy News. South African Navy. Retrieved November 20, 2008. ^ Pravda. full citation needed] "Germans and their Dead. Revolting Treatment. Science and the Barbarian Spirit. The Times (41454. London. April 17, 1917. p. 5. ^ Cadavers Not Human. Gruesome Tale Believed to be Somebody's Notion of an April Fool Joke" PDF. The New York Times. April 20, 1917. ^ Badsey, Stephen (2014. The German Corpse Factory: a Study in First World War Propaganda. Solihull: Helion. ISBN 9781909982666. ^ Neander, Joachim (2013. The German Corpse Factory: The Master Hoax of British Propaganda in the First World War. Saarbrücken: Saarland University Press. ISBN 9783862231171. ^ L'Osservatore Romano, Weekly Edition in English, 12/19 August 1998, p. 9. ^ Seton-Watson, Christopher (1967. Italy from Liberalism to Fascism: 1870 to 1925. London: Methuen & Co. Ltd. pp. 468–9. ^ Greece declares war on Central Powers. History. Archived from the original on April 1, 2015. ^ Minorpowers, Greece. Archived from the original on March 14, 2015. ^ Suffrage Wins by 100, 000 in State; Kings by 32, 640. Brooklyn Daily Eagle. November 7, 1917. p. 1. ^ Naval History & Heritage Command. "Jacob Jones. DANFS. Retrieved April 24, 2009. ^ Jimmy Skinner, 90, Coach of Red Wings, Dies. New York Times. July 14, 2007. Retrieved April 24, 2019. Further reading [ edit] Williams, John. The Other Battleground The Home Fronts: Britain, France and Germany 1914-1918 (1972) pp 175–242. Primary sources and year books [ edit] New International Year Book 1917 (1918) Comprehensive coverage of world and national affairs, 904 pp American Year Book: 1917 (1918) large compendium of facts about the U. online complete edition 1917 Coin Pictures.
I thought it was Dunkirk the sequel And yes Im looking forward to watch this world war 1 movie. 1913 1914 1915 1916 — 1917 — 1918 1919 1920 1921 1890- 1900- — 1910- — 1920- 1930- XIX — XX — XXI 2- XVIII — XIX — XX — XXI — XXII 1890- 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900- 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910- 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920- 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930- 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940- 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950- 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960- 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970- 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980- 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990- 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000- 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 1917 — , . 1917 , 917 2 , 17 XX , 7 2- XX , 8 1910- . 1 — [1] 2. 27 — - . ( ) [3] 4. 5 — [5. 13 — [6. 17 — - [7. 26 — . 28 — - I - - [8. 4 — 8 — . 10 — ( ) [9. 15 — II — . . 16 — . II , , . 18 — — [6. 22 — — [6. 6 — , « ». 16 — [10. 24 — - , , , [11. 1 — . 9 — - [12. 15 — . 60 . 18 — . 30 — , - [13. 11 — [14. 1 — [14. 16 — 2 1- , , , [15] 16. 20 - . - [17. . . . [10. 21 - [18. - . . 3 — I ( ) , . 8 [19. 10 — ( ) , [20. 11 — [17. 21 — . . [10. 28 — 2- , - , , ( . [21. 3 — . 5 — [6. 9 — . 13 — [22. 14 — - , , — . 6 , 16 , [23. 22 — « » — [24. 27 — . . ( ) « » [10. 8 — . 9 — I, [25. 10 — , 26 [6. 20 — . . . 23 — ( ) . . [10. ( ) 26. 24 — 14- - 2- 3- . [27. 25 — - [9. 31 — [27. 2 , , « » . - . « » , « » [28. 7 — , II . [10. 8 II . . . [10. , [29. 9 — - - . [27. 13 - . 76- [30. [6. 16 — . « » — , — [22. 20 — . 22 — , [31. 26 — . 28 — [32. 30 — . . — , [33. 3 « » [6. « » . 433 ] 4 — — , [34. 6 — . 8 — . , 3 310 000 000 [35. 10 — [36. 15 — [34. 18 — II ( ) , - . 26 [19. 21 — - [37. 24 — « » [37. 27 — . 29 2- , ( ) . . [31. [6. 31 — . . : : 1917 17 — , , ( . 1999. 25 — , , 1977 ( . 2003. 11 , ( . 2007. , , , ( . 2005. 14 — , , ( . 1974. 18 — , ( . 1994. 22 — , ( . 2000. 18 — , ( . 2001. 22 — , . 16 — , . 17 — , ( . 1992. 29 — , 35- ( . 1963. 5 — , - 1975 — 1976 ( . 1983. 19 — , ( . 1999. 8 — , ( . 1987. 15 — — , , ( . 1979. 22 — , , . - , , , ( . 1984. 2 — , ( . 1983. 22 — , ( . 2001. 23 — , ( . 2000. 28 — , , , 36- ( . 1970. 20 — - , , 1952 , - 1958 — 1964 ( . 1999. 30 — , , , . 7 — , , , ( . 2008. 11 — , - ( . 1983. 19 — (इन्दिरा गांधी) , - 1966 — 1977 1980 — 1984 ( . 1984. 16 — , , , ( . 2008. . : : 1917 29 — , 1- , , 1883 — 1907 ( . 1841. 8 — , . 14 — , , . 25 — , . 30 — , . , , . 15 — , , . , , . 17 — ( . 1894) , - . 20 — , - , . . : — « ». : — « »; : « ». : — « ». . 1917 ? 1917 ? 1917 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 31.
This game is not playable via SSL. If you are not automatically redirected please click here. 1917 free full. There's something terrifying about the plane crashing. 1917. 01. 22 (9 . . 50. 000 1905 . 1917. 02. 18 (5 . ) . . , 1905 . 1917. 27 (14 . . . 80. 000 . 1917. 02. . 1917. 03. 03 (18 . . 1917. 07 (22 . . 1917. 08 (23 . . 1917. 09 (24 . . " . ! 1917. 10 (25 . ) . . II : . 1917. 11 (26 . (150 . . 1917. 12 (27 . . . . . . 1917. 13 (28 . " " . 1917. 14 (1 . 1 . . 1917. 15 (2 . . : . . - , . . - ., . - . (2 . II ( ) , . 1917. 16 (3 . , " " . 1917. 17 (4 . ( ) . . 1917. 18 (5 . " . 1917. 19 (6 . : , , , . 06 (19) . , , , . 1917. 20 (7 . . (7 12 . , , " " . , . 1917. 21 (8 . . ( ) II. 1917. 22 09 (22) . . 1917. 23 10 (23) . 8- . 1917. 24 11 (24) . , . 1917. 25 12 (25) 16 (29) . . (12 . . (12 . . . . . . 1917. 27 14 (27) . 1917. 28 15 (28) . . 1917. 30 (17 . . 1917. 04. 02 20 (2 . . 1917. 05 (23 . . 1917. 09 27 (9 . . . 1917. 07 25 (7 . , , , . 1917. 08 26 (8 . " . 1917. 11 (29 . I . . 11 16 . 1917. 16 (3 . . . 1917. 17 (4 . " . 1917. 20 (7 . " " . 1917. 25 (12 . . 1917. 04. ( - - - . 1917. 05. 01 18 . (1 . . , " . (18 . . 1917. 03 (20 . . , , . . " . 3 - 4 . 1917. 04 21 . (4 . : . , . 1917. 06 23 . (6 . ( . 1917. 07 (24 . VII ( ) . . 12 . 1917. 12 (29 . . - . 1917. 14 01 (14) . . 01 (14) . 1 . 1917. 15 02 (15) . . . 1917. 17 04 - 28 (17 - 10 . , . . 04 (17) . . . . " " . 1917. 18 05 (18) . , ( ) . . ; - . , - . . , - . . . 05 (18) . " , . 05 (18) . ( . . 1917. 20 07 - 12 (20 - 25) . . 1917. 06. 01 19 (1 . . 1917. 04 22 (4 . . . . 1917. 07 25 - 4 (7 - 17 . . . 1917. 12 30 - 3 (12 - 16 . 1 , . 1917. 16 03 - 24 (16 - 7 . 1 (285 , 248 105 822 . , , . 1917. 23 10 (23) . ( ) , . 1917. 25 12 (25) . . 1917. 30 (17 . . , , - . 1917. 07. 01 18 (1 . ( . 16/29 . . , . - , 11 (24) . . 18 (1 . , " . 1917. 04 21 (4 . , . 21 - 28 (4 - 11 . . 1917. 14 01 (14) . . . 1917. 15 02 (15) . ( - , . 1917. 16 03 - 4 (16 - 17) . " " . , . . , . . 1917. 21 08 (21) . . . . 1917. 25 12 (25) . . 1917. 31 18 (31) . . . 1917. 07. - : ( 40% - 20% ) , , , . 1917. 08. 06 24 (6 . , . , .
I will watch any movie that has Chadwick boseman in it. Critics Consensus Hard-hitting, immersive, and an impressive technical achievement, 1917 captures the trench warfare of World War I with raw, startling immediacy. 89% TOMATOMETER Total Count: 389 88% Audience Score Verified Ratings: 23, 358 1917 Ratings & Reviews Explanation Tickets & Showtimes The movie doesn't seem to be playing near you. Go back Enter your location to see showtimes near you. 1917 Videos Photos Movie Info At the height of the First World War, two young British soldiers, Schofield (Captain Fantastic's George MacKay) and Blake (Game of Thrones' Dean-Charles Chapman) are given a seemingly impossible mission. In a race against time, they must cross enemy territory and deliver a message that will stop a deadly attack on hundreds of soldiers- Blake's own brother among them. Rating: R (for violence, some disturbing images, and language) Genre: Directed By: Written By: In Theaters: Jan 10, 2020 wide Runtime: 110 minutes Studio: Universal Pictures Cast News & Interviews for 1917 Critic Reviews for 1917 Audience Reviews for 1917 1917 Quotes News & Features.
NOW PLAYING IN SELECT THEATERS. EVERYWHERE FRIDAY. Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy - New Do Not Sell My Personal Information Feedback MOVIE PLATFORM 2020 POWSTER 2020 Universal Pictures. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Watch the 1917 movie trailer on the official site. In select theaters December 25, 2019; everywhere January 10, 2020. I know nothing at all about the true nature of war, but I know a lot about making films and TV as I've done it for 50 years. This film is an absolutely phenomenal undertaking. More than once I had to stop the dvd and backtrack, and more than once I failed to see how the shot was achieved. Its only competition will be from The Irishman, and maybe Once Upon. Hollywood, both of which I also loved in their own ways. 1917 is such an exquisite experiment that one forgets about everything else. But it's not just technique at work here; the performances are terrific, as is the writing. They clearly knew those has to be on par with the exploratory nature of the thing, and they were. Kudos to Sam et al.
1917 free online.
Espero que seja um filme top. 1917 free movie. 1917 free onlone.
Released December 25, 2019 R, 1 hr 59 min Drama Action/Adventure 35MM IMAX Tell us where you are Looking for movie tickets? Enter your location to see which movie theaters are playing 1917 (2019) near you. ENTER CITY, STATE OR ZIP CODE GO Sign up for a FANALERT and be the first to know when tickets and other exclusives are available in your area. Also sign me up for FanMail to get updates on all things movies: tickets, special offers, screenings + more. 1 of 8 1917: Final Trailer 1917: Trailer 2 1917: Trailer 1 1917: Exclusive Movie Clip - Blazing City 1917: Exclusive Movie Clip - Running Through Ruins Weekend Ticket: 1917, Like A Boss, Underwater, Just Mercy Two soldiers must survive the odds to deliver a message to the front lines. Two best friends/business partners get in over their heads with a millionaire investor. A deep sea research team is attacked by a mysterious force from the depths. A lawyer wor Weekend Ticket: Little Women, 1917, Spies in Disguise Five highly-anticipated movies are hitting theaters Christmas Day, so you are sure to find a flick for the whole family to enjoy! Will you see 'Little Women. 1917. Spies in Disguise. Uncut Gems' or 'Just Mercy' in theaters this weekend? Weekend Ticket: 2019 Holiday Preview 'Tis the season for theaters full of hit movies that are sure to bring us good cheer, like 'Star Wars: Episode IX. Cats. Jumanji: The Next Level' and many more! What will you see? This is your 2019 Weekend Ticket Holiday Preview.
The director, writer, and cast of 1917 take us behind the scenes to reveal the inspirations for the World War I epic and explain why it was important to film it as one shot. Watch the video Top Rated Movies #49, Nominated for 10 Oscars. Another 85 wins & 150 nominations. See more awards » Learn more More Like This Crime Drama Thriller 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8. 6 / 10 X In Gotham City, mentally troubled comedian Arthur Fleck is disregarded and mistreated by society. He then embarks on a downward spiral of revolution and bloody crime. This path brings him face-to-face with his alter-ego: the Joker. Director: Todd Phillips Stars: Joaquin Phoenix, Robert De Niro, Zazie Beetz Comedy 8 / 10 A detective investigates the death of a patriarch of an eccentric, combative family. Rian Johnson Daniel Craig, Chris Evans, Ana de Armas 7. 7 / 10 A faded television actor and his stunt double strive to achieve fame and success in the film industry during the final years of Hollywood's Golden Age in 1969 Los Angeles. Quentin Tarantino Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt, Margot Robbie War A young boy in Hitler's army finds out his mother is hiding a Jewish girl in their home. Taika Waititi Roman Griffin Davis, Thomasin McKenzie, Scarlett Johansson Biography Martin Scorsese Al Pacino, Joe Pesci Action Adventure Fantasy 6. 9 / 10 The surviving members of the resistance face the First Order once again, and the legendary conflict between the Jedi and the Sith reaches its peak bringing the Skywalker saga to its end. J. J. Abrams Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill, Adam Driver All unemployed, Ki-taek and his family take peculiar interest in the wealthy and glamorous Parks, as they ingratiate themselves into their lives and get entangled in an unexpected incident. Bong Joon Ho Kang-ho Song, Sun-kyun Lee, Yeo-jeong Jo Romance 8. 1 / 10 Jo March reflects back and forth on her life, telling the beloved story of the March sisters - four young women each determined to live life on their own terms. Greta Gerwig Saoirse Ronan, Emma Watson, Florence Pugh Noah Baumbach's incisive and compassionate look at a marriage breaking up and a family staying together. Noah Baumbach Adam Driver, Scarlett Johansson, Julia Greer 8. 2 / 10 American car designer Carroll Shelby and driver Ken Miles battle corporate interference, the laws of physics and their own personal demons to build a revolutionary race car for Ford and challenge Ferrari at the 24 Hours of Le Mans in 1966. James Mangold Matt Damon, Christian Bale, Jon Bernthal 6. 8 / 10 A group of women take on Fox News head Roger Ailes and the toxic atmosphere he presided over at the network. Jay Roach Charlize Theron, Nicole Kidman, 8. 5 / 10 After the devastating events of Avengers: Infinity War (2018) the universe is in ruins. With the help of remaining allies, the Avengers assemble once more in order to reverse Thanos' actions and restore balance to the universe. Directors: Anthony Russo, Joe Russo Robert Downey Jr., Mark Ruffalo Edit Storyline April 1917, the Western Front. Two British soldiers are sent to deliver an urgent message to an isolated regiment. If the message is not received in time the regiment will walk into a trap and be massacred. To get to the regiment they will need to cross through enemy territory. Time is of the essence and the journey will be fraught with danger. Written by grantss Plot Summary Plot Synopsis Taglines: Time is the enemy. Details Release Date: 10 January 2020 (USA) See more » Box Office Budget: 100, 000, 000 (estimated) Opening Weekend USA: 576, 216, 29 December 2019 Cumulative Worldwide Gross: 249, 046, 389 See more on IMDbPro » Company Credits Technical Specs See full technical specs » Did You Know? Trivia The movie was shot from April to June 2019 in Wiltshire, Hankley Common, and Govan, Scotland, as well as Shepperton Studios. Conservationists, concerned that filming on Salisbury Plain could disturb potentially undiscovered remains in the area, requested an archaeological survey be conducted before any set construction began. See more » Goofs In the final battle the Devons attack with absolutely no artillery support. That might have happened early in the war but certainly wouldn't have happened in 1917, when the allied armies were much better at coordinated attacks. See more » Quotes Colonel MacKenzie: I hoped today would be a good day. Hope is a dangerous thing. See more » Crazy Credits The opening logos are shortened and tinted blue. See more » Alternate Versions In India, the film received multiple verbal cuts in order to obtain a U/A classification. Also, two anti-smoking video disclaimers and a smoking kills caption were added. This version also features local partner credits at the beginning and an interval card after Schofield is hit. See more » Soundtracks I Am A Poor Wayfaring Stranger Arranged by Craig Leon Performed by Jos Slovick See more » Frequently Asked Questions See more ».
5 / 5 stars 5 out of 5 stars. Day-lit house of horror … Dean-Charles Chapman and George MacKay in 1917 S am Mendess 1917 is an amazingly audacious film; as exciting as a heist movie, disturbing as a sci-fi nightmare. Working with co-writer Krysty Wilson-Cairns, he has created a first world war drama of the Western Front and a terrible journey undertaken by two boys like a ghost train ride into a day-lit house of horror, periodically descending into night and then resurfacing into an alien world, bright with menace. And its filmed in one extraordinary single take by cinematographer Roger Deakins, a continuous fluid travelling shot (with digital edits sneaked in, evidently at those moments where we lose sight of them, or in moments of darkness or explosion – but where exactly, I mostly couldnt tell. Mendes shows us what these soldiers see and sometimes wheels the camera around so we can see them seeing it: a gruelling odyssey whose trench scenes are perhaps intended to recall Kubricks Paths of Glory – and later our stricken hero enunciates a panicky line in the midst of his terrified comrades that reminded me of something similar from Apocalypse Now: “Wheres your commanding officer? ” (The single-take horror also reminded me of the TV director in that film, frantically telling the numbed grunts not to look at the camera. I wonder if this might have inspired Mendes? The situation is that Blake (Dean-Charles Chapman) and Schofield (George MacKay) are lance corporals – and messengers. These men, like the rest of their company, have been lulled into a false sense of security by what appears to have been a German retreat, and an imminent “big push” from the Allied forces to clinch victory. But the gruff General (Colin Firth) tells them that aerial photo reconnaissance has disclosed that so far from having retreated, the Germans have simply withdrawn to a position where they are better defended, luring their enemy onward into a trap. Now another British division is about to advance into certain slaughter. Field telephone communication having been cut off, the only way to tell them to call off their attack is via messenger. And so these two shivering soldiers have to make their way across no mans land, across the abandoned German lines, through (supposedly) vacated German territory and as far as the advancing Allied troops. Blake and Schofield travel through a postapocalyptic landscape, a bad dream of broken tree stumps, mud lakes left by shell craters, dead bodies, rats. And then when they stumble into the German trenches, they discover how much better built they are, and how much better quipped, trained and led the Germans are – and how much they are more likely to win. But they must carry on, and Mendes and Deakins convey, along with these mens sense of futility and fear, the strange nausea and exhilaration that Blake and Schofield feel, the nihilist elation that comes with the moment-by-moment experience of survival, fiercely holding on to life with every eardrum-splitting sniper shot. But ahead of them lies chaos and loss. The most extraordinary sequence comes when a German airman crash lands almost on top of Blake and Schofield and there is a moment of simple human compassion when the German staggers out of his blazing craft, dying and begging for water. Schofield runs to get him some from a rusty pump and behind his back – behind the audiences backs – the storys most fateful event occurs, off camera. Its a staggeringly bold bit of storytelling, and it comes off. Benedict Cumberbatch in 1917 The single-take technique fascinatingly creates a kind of theatrical effect: the spectacle of two people moving through an unbroken space. It is immersive, yes, but that overused word does not quite convey the paradoxical alienation that is being created: the distance, the pure strangeness. The two mens experiences are bizarre and shocking, but a poignant and then tragic sympathy is finally dredged up from the mud of their ordeal. 1917 is Mendess most purely ambitious and passionate picture since his misunderstood and underappreciated Jarhead of 2005. Its bold, thrilling film-making. • 1917 is released in the US on 25 December, in Australia on 7 January 2020 and in the UK on 10 January 2020.
Or. they could do what they usually did under these circumstances. Write a message and get one of the fly boys to drop it off over the trenches. Séances Bandes-annonces Casting Critiques spectateurs Critiques presse Photos VOD Bande-annonce Séances (941) Spectateurs 4, 4 5858 notes dont 784 critiques noter: 0. 5 1 1. 5 2 2. 5 3 3. 5 4 4. 5 5 Envie de voir Rédiger ma critique Synopsis et détails Avertissement: des scènes, des propos ou des images peuvent heurter la sensibilité des spectateurs Pris dans la tourmente de la Première Guerre Mondiale, Schofield et Blake, deux jeunes soldats britanniques, se voient assigner une mission à proprement parler impossible. Porteurs dun message qui pourrait empêcher une attaque dévastatrice et la mort de centaines de soldats, dont le frère de Blake, ils se lancent dans une véritable course contre la montre, derrière les lignes ennemies. Distributeur Universal Pictures International France Récompenses 10 prix et 14 nominations Voir les infos techniques Interviews, making-of et extraits 12 vidéos Acteurs et actrices Casting complet et équipe technique Critiques Presse CinemaTeaser Culturebox - France Télévisions Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace Elle Filmsactu La Voix du Nord LCI Le Journal du Dimanche Le Nouvel Observateur Le Parisien L'Express Mad Movies Ouest France Sud Ouest Télé 7 Jours Télé Loisirs Télérama Voici 20 Minutes CNews Ecran Large Le Figaro Le Point Les Fiches du Cinéma Les Inrockuptibles L'Humanité Marianne Première Rolling Stone Bande à part La Croix Le Monde Cahiers du Cinéma Libération Chaque magazine ou journal ayant son propre système de notation, toutes les notes attribuées sont remises au barême de AlloCiné, de 1 à 5 étoiles. Retrouvez plus d'infos sur notre page Revue de presse pour en savoir plus. 39 articles de presse Critiques Spectateurs « 1917 », ou le comble du factice, pour un film dont lessence même est de se vouloir tout le contraire en terme de réalisme et de vérité... Sam Mendes pourtant talentueux dans le magnifique « Noces Rebelles » ou encore dans un tout autre registre avec « Skyfall », semble sêtre fourvoyé en se focalisant sur ce fameux plan séquence censé nous immerger dans laction à travers la notion détirement linéaire du temps. Lire plus Très très mitigé par 1917. Évidemment, cest techniquement incroyable, mais le film a les qualités de ses défauts, car ce plan séquence de 2h va offrir au film des moments assez dingues, mais il va paradoxalement plomber son rythme ce qui va rendre le tout beaucoup trop bancal. Cest un film à Oscar, un film qui va privilégier sa technique à son récit. Le but ici cest limmersion, du coup on va suivre des personnages pas très... " 1917" de Sam Mendes, acclamé par la critique et favori en vu pour les oscars et la première déception de l'année pour moi. En effet hormis des effets spéciaux spectaculaires, maîtrise de la mise en scène. Je me suis ennuyé devant un énième film sur la première guerre mondiale qui ne réserve guère de surprise ni émotions. Surnote selon moi. Allez soyons franc, « 1917 » est un film de guerre maîtrisé de bout en bout qui vaut son pesant de popcorn. Certains diront blockbuster, dautres film froid qui retrace sans empathie lexpérience de nos ancêtres… personnellement jopterais pour film à budget moyen qui se démarque en utilisant une technique certes déjà connue et utilisée, mais une technique quand même: le plan séquence. Sam Mendes avait sans doute lenvie... 784 Critiques Spectateurs 39 Photos Secrets de tournage Note d'intention de Sam Mendes "La première fois que j'ai compris la réalité de la guerre, c'est quand mon grand-père m'a raconté son expérience de la Première Guerre mondiale. Le film ne relate pas l'histoire de mon grand-père, mais s'attache plutôt à évoquer son esprit – ce que ces hommes ont subi, leurs sacrifices, et leur foi en quelque chose qui les dépassait. Nos deux protagonistes doivent participer à une mission périlleuse les conduisant à passer en territoire ennemi a... Mise en scène spécifique 1917 na pas été filmé en un seul plan-séquence, mais en plusieurs longues prises qui ont ensuite été montées ensemble pour donner limpression dune seule et unique scène. Sam Mendes avait employé un procédé similaire pour la scène douverture de Spectre, mais le fait d'utiliser ce dispositif pour un film tout entier était une expérience nouvelle pour lui. Une fois cette idée validée, il a dabord fallu déterminer les déplacements des acteu... Thématique de la guerre Sam Mendes avait déjà réalisé un film de guerre avec Jarhead - La fin de l'innocence. Dans le cas de ce film sorti en 2006, il s'agissait de la guerre en Irak au début des années 1990. 17 Secrets de tournage Dernières news 29 news sur ce film Si vous aimez ce film, vous pourriez aimer... Voir plus de films similaires Pour découvrir d'autres films: Les meilleurs films de l'année 2019, Les meilleurs films Drame, Meilleurs films Drame en 2019. Commentaires.
1917 free steam. 1917: free history.
The craziest part is that this whole movie is in one take! Cant wait. 1917 ( MCMXVII) was a common year starting on Monday of the Gregorian calendar and a common year starting on Sunday of the Julian calendar, the 1917th year of the Common Era (CE) and Anno Domini (AD) designations, the 917th year of the 2nd millennium, the 17th year of the 20th century, and the 8th year of the 1910s decade. As of the start of 1917, the Gregorian calendar was 13 days ahead of the Julian calendar, which remained in localized use until 1923. Millennium: 2nd millennium Centuries: 19th century 20th century 21st century Decades: 1890s 1900s 1910s 1920s 1930s Years: 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1917 in various calendars Gregorian calendar 1917 MCMXVII Ab urbe condita 2670 Armenian calendar 1366 ԹՎ ՌՅԿԶ Assyrian calendar 6667 Bahá'í calendar 73–74 Balinese saka calendar 1838–1839 Bengali calendar 1324 Berber calendar 2867 British Regnal year 7 Geo. 5 – 8 Geo. 5 Buddhist calendar 2461 Burmese calendar 1279 Byzantine calendar 7425–7426 Chinese calendar 丙辰 年 (Fire Dragon) 4613 or 4553 — to — 丁巳年 (Fire Snake) 4614 or 4554 Coptic calendar 1633–1634 Discordian calendar 3083 Ethiopian calendar 1909–1910 Hebrew calendar 5677–5678 Hindu calendars - Vikram Samvat 1973–1974 - Shaka Samvat 1838–1839 - Kali Yuga 5017–5018 Holocene calendar 11917 Igbo calendar 917–918 Iranian calendar 1295–1296 Islamic calendar 1335–1336 Japanese calendar Taishō 6 (大正6年) Javanese calendar 1847–1848 Juche calendar 6 Julian calendar Gregorian minus 13 days Korean calendar 4250 Minguo calendar ROC 6 民國6年 Nanakshahi calendar 449 Thai solar calendar 2459–2460 Tibetan calendar 阳火龙年 (male Fire- Dragon) 2043 or 1662 or 890 — to — 阴火蛇年 (female Fire- Snake) 2044 or 1663 or 891 Wikimedia Commons has media related to 1917. Events Edit Below, events of World War I have the "WWI" prefix. January Edit January 2 – The Royal Bank of Canada takes over Quebec Bank. January 3 – Ratho rail crash in Scotland: An Edinburgh to Glasgow express train collides with a light engine leaving 12 people dead and 46 seriously injured; the cause is found to be inadequate signalling procedures. [1] January 9 – WWI – Battle of Rafa: The last substantial Ottoman Army garrison on the Sinai Peninsula is captured by the Egyptian Expeditionary Force 's Desert Column. January 11 – Unknown saboteurs set off the Kingsland Explosion at Kingsland (modern-day Lyndhurst, New Jersey) one of the events leading to United States involvement in WWI. January 16 – The Danish West Indies is sold to the United States for 25 million. January 19 – Silvertown explosion: A blast at a munitions factory in London kills 73 and injures over 400; the resulting fire causes over 2, 000, 000 worth of damage. January 22 – WWI: United States President Woodrow Wilson calls for "peace without victory" in Germany. January 25 WWI: British armed merchantman SS Laurentic is sunk by mines off Lough Swilly (Ireland) with the loss of 354 of the 475 aboard. An anti- prostitution drive in San Francisco occurs, and police close about 200 prostitution houses. January 26 – The sea defences at the English village of Hallsands are breached, leading to all but one of the houses becoming uninhabitable. January 28 – The United States ends its search for Pancho Villa. January 30 – Pershing 's troops in Mexico begin withdrawing back to the United States. They reach Columbus, New Mexico February 5. February Edit February 1 – WWI: Atlantic U-boat Campaign: Germany announces its U-boats will resume unrestricted submarine warfare, rescinding the ' Sussex Pledge. February 3 – WWI: The United States severs diplomatic relations with Germany. February 5 – The new constitution of Mexico is adopted. February 13 Mata Hari is arrested in Paris for spying. WWI – Raid on Nekhl: Units of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force completely reoccupy the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula. February 21 – British troopship SS Mendi is accidentally rammed and sunk off the Isle of Wight, killing 646, mainly members of the South African Native Labour Corps. [2] February 24 – WWI: United States ambassador to the United Kingdom, Walter Hines Page, is shown the intercepted Zimmermann Telegram, in which Germany offers to give the American Southwest back to Mexico, if Mexico would take sides with Germany, in case the United States would declare war on Germany. President Woodrow Wilson of the United States announces to Congress the breaking of diplomatic relations with Germany March Edit March 1 WWI: The U. S. government releases the text of the Zimmermann Telegram to the public. Ōmuta, Japan, is founded by Hiroushi Miruku. March 2 – The enactment of the Jones Act grants Puerto Ricans United States citizenship. March 4 Woodrow Wilson is sworn in for a second term, as President of the United States. Jeannette Rankin of Montana becomes the first woman member of the United States House of Representatives. March 7 – " Livery Stable Blues. recorded with "Dixie Jazz Band One Step" on February 26, by the Original Dixieland Jass Band in the United States, becomes the first jazz recording commercially released. On August 17 the band records " Tiger Rag. March 8 Women calling for bread and peace - Petrograd, 8th of March, 1917 (N. February 23, O. – The February Revolution begins in Russia: Women calling for bread in Petrograd start riots, which spontaneously spread throughout the city. The United States Senate adopts the cloture rule, in order to limit filibusters. March 10 – The Province of Batangas is formally founded, as one of the Philippines ' first encomiendas. March 11 – Mexican Revolution: Venustiano Carranza is elected president of Mexico; the United States gives de jure recognition of his government. March 12 – The Russian Duma declares a Provisional Government. March 14 – WWI: The Republic of China terminates diplomatic relations with Germany. March 15 (N. March 2, O. – Emperor Nicholas II of Russia abdicates his throne and his son's claims. This is considered to be the end of the Russian Empire, after 196 years. March 16 (N. March 3, O. – Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich of Russia refuses the throne, and power passes to the newly formed Provisional Government, under Prince Georgy Lvov. March 25 – The Georgian Orthodox Church restores the autocephaly, abolished by Imperial Russia in 1811. March 26 – WWI – First Battle of Gaza: British Egyptian Expeditionary Force troops virtually encircle the Gaza garrison, but are then ordered to withdraw, leaving the city to the Ottoman defenders. March 30 – Hjalmar Hammarskjöld steps down as Prime Minister of Sweden; he is replaced by right-wing businessman and politician Carl Swartz. March 31 – The United States takes possession of the Danish West Indies, which become the US Virgin Islands, after paying 25 million to Denmark. April Edit April – Imokawa Mukuzo Genkanban no Maki, the first anime, is released in Japan. April 2 – WWI: U. President Woodrow Wilson asks the United States Congress for a declaration of war on Germany. April 6 – WWI: The United States declares war on Germany. April 8 (N. March 26, O. – In Petrograd, 40, 000 ethnic Estonians demand national autonomy within Russia. April 9 – May 16 – WWI – Battle of Arras: British Empire troops make a significant advance on the Western Front but are unable to achieve a breakthrough. April 9 – 12 – WWI: Canadian troops win the Battle of Vimy Ridge. April 10 – An ammunition factory explosion in Chester, Pennsylvania kills 133. April 11 – WWI: Brazil severs diplomatic relations with Germany. April 12 (N. March 30 O. – The Autonomous Governorate of Estonia is formed within Russia, from the Governorate of Estonia and the northern part of the Governorate of Livonia. April 16 (N. April 3, O. – Vladimir Lenin arrives at the Finland Station in Petrograd. WWI: The Nivelle Offensive commences. April 17 (N. April 4, O. – Vladimir Lenin 's April Theses are published. [3] They become very influential in the following July Days and Bolshevik Revolution. WWI: The Egyptian Expeditionary Force begins the Second Battle of Gaza. This unsuccessful frontal attack on strong Ottoman defences along with the first battle, results in 10, 000 casualties, the dismissal of force commander General Archibald Murray, and the beginning of the Stalemate in Southern Palestine. The Times and the Daily Mail (London newspapers both owned by Lord Northcliffe) print atrocity propaganda of the supposed existence of a German Corpse Factory processing dead soldiers' bodies. [4] 5] 6] 7] April 26 – WWI: The Agreement of Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne, between France, Italy and the United Kingdom, to settle interests in the Middle East, is signed. May Edit May 9 – WWI: The Nivelle Offensive is abandoned. May 13 – Nuncio Eugenio Pacelli, the future Pope Pius XII, is consecrated Archbishop by Pope Benedict XV. [8] May 13 – October 13 (at monthly intervals) – 10-year-old Lúcia Santos and her cousins Francisco and Jacinta Marto report experiencing a series of Marian apparitions near Fátima, Portugal, which become known as Our Lady of Fátima. May 15 – Robert Nivelle is replaced as Commander-in-Chief of the French Army, by Philippe Pétain. May 18 – WWI: The Selective Service Act passes the United States Congress, giving the President the power of conscription. May 21 – Over 300 acres (73 blocks) are destroyed in the Great Atlanta fire of 1917 in the United States. May 22 The Commissioned Officer Corps of the U. Coast and Geodetic Survey is established. Ell Persons is lynched in Memphis, in connection with the rape and murder of 16-year-old Antoinette Rappal. May 23 A month of civil violence in Milan, Italy ends, after the Italian army forcibly takes over the city from anarchists and anti-war revolutionaries; 50 people are killed and 800 arrested. [9] WWI: During the Stalemate in Southern Palestine the Raid on the Beersheba to Hafir el Auja railway, by the British Desert Column, large sections of the railway line linking Beersheba to the main Ottoman desert base are destroyed. May 26 – A tornado strikes Mattoon, Illinois, causing devastation and killing 101 people. May 27 – WWI: Over 30, 000 French troops refuse to go to the trenches at Missy-aux-Bois. May 27 – Pope Benedict XV promulgates the 1917 Code of Canon Law. June Edit June 1 – French Army Mutinies: A French infantry regiment seizes Missy-aux-Bois, and declares an anti-war military government. Other French army troops soon apprehend them. June 4 – The first Pulitzer Prizes are awarded: Laura E. Richards, Maud Howe Elliott and Florence Hall receive the first Pulitzer for a biography, for Julia Ward Howe. Jean Jules Jusserand receives the first Pulitzer for history, for his work With Americans of Past and Present Days. Herbert Bayard Swope receives the first Pulitzer for journalism, for his work for the New York World. June 5 – WWI: Conscription begins in the United States. June 7 – WWI: Battle of Messines opens with the British Army detonating 24 ammonal mines under the German lines, killing 10, 000 in the deadliest deliberate non-nuclear man-made explosion in history. June 8 – Speculator Mine disaster: A fire at the Granite Mountain and Speculator ore mine, outside Butte, Montana, kills at least 168 workers. June 11 – King Constantine I of Greece abdicates for the first time, being succeeded by his son Alexander. June 13 – WWI: The first major German bombing raid on London by fixed-wing aircraft leaves 162 dead and 432 injured. June 15 – The United States enacts the Espionage Act. July Edit July – The first Cottingley Fairies photographs are taken in Yorkshire, England, apparently depicting fairies (a hoax not admitted by the child creators until 1981. July 1 East St. Louis riot: A labor dispute ignites a race riot in East St. Louis, Illinois, which leaves 250 dead. Russian General Brusilov begins the major Kerensky Offensive in Galicia, initially advancing towards Lemberg. July 2 – WWI: Greece joins the war on the side of the Allies. [10] 11] July 6 – WWI: Battle of Aqaba: Arabian troops, led by T. E. Lawrence, capture Aqaba from the Ottoman Empire. The Conscription Crisis of 1917 in Canada leads to passage of the Military Service Act. July 7 – The Lions Clubs International is formed in the United States. July 8 – 13 – WWI – First Battle of Ramadi: British troops fail to take Ramadi from the Ottoman Empire; a majority of British casualties are due to extreme heat. July 12 – Bisbee Deportation: The Phelps Dodge Corporation deports over 1, 000 suspected IWW members from Bisbee, Arizona. July 16 – July 17 – Russian troops mutiny, abandon the Austrian front, and retreat to the Ukraine; hundreds are shot by their commanding officers during the retreat. July 16 – July 18 – July Days: Serious clashes occur in Petrograd; Vladimir Lenin escapes to Finland; Leon Trotsky is arrested. July 17 – King George V of the United Kingdom issues a proclamation, stating that thenceforth the male line descendants of the British Royal Family will bear the surname Windsor, vice the Germanic bloodline of House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, which is an offshoot of the historic (800+ years) House of Wettin. July 20 The Parliament of Finland, with a Social Democratic majority, passes a "Sovereignty Act" declaring itself, as the representative of the Finnish people, sovereign over the Grand Principality of Finland. The Russian Provisional Government does not recognize the act, as it would have devolved Russian sovereignty over Finland, formerly exercised by the Russian Emperor as Grand Prince of Finland, and alter the relationship between Finland and Russia into a real union, with Russia solely responsible for the defence and foreign relations of an independent Finland. ( July 7, O. – Alexander Kerensky becomes premier of the Russian Provisional Government, replacing Prince Georgy Lvov. The Russian Provisional Government enacts women's suffrage. The Corfu Declaration, which enables the establishment of the post-war Kingdom of Yugoslavia, is signed by the Yugoslav Committee and the Kingdom of Serbia. July 20 – July 28 – WWI: Austrian and German forces repulse the Russian advance into Galicia. July 25 – Sir William Thomas White introduces Canada's first income tax as a "temporary" measure (lowest bracket is 4% and highest is 25. July 28 – The Silent Parade is organized by the NAACP in New York City, to protest the East St. Louis riot of July 2, as well as lynchings in Tennessee and Texas. July 30 – The Parliament of Finland is dissolved by the Russian Provisional Government. New elections are held in the autumn, resulting in a bourgeois majority. July 31 – WWI – Battle of Passchendaele ( Third Battle of Ypres. Allied offensive operations commence in Flanders. August Edit August 2 – August 3 – The Green Corn Rebellion, an uprising by several hundred farmers against the WWI draft, takes place in central Oklahoma. August 2 – Squadron Commander E. H. Dunning lands his aircraft on the ship HMS Furious in Scapa Flow, Orkney. He is killed 5 days later during another landing on the ship. August 3 – The New York Guard is founded. August 10 – A general strike begins in Spain; it is smashed after 2 days with 70 left dead, hundreds of wounded and 2, 000 arrests. August 14 – The Republic of China declares war on Germany and Austria-Hungary. August 17 – One of English literature's important meetings takes place, when Wilfred Owen introduces himself to Siegfried Sassoon at the Craiglockhart War Hospital in Edinburgh. August 18 – The Great Thessaloniki Fire of 1917 in Greece destroys 32% of the city, leaving 70, 000 individuals homeless. August 29 – WWI: The Military Service Act is passed in the House of Commons of Canada, giving the Government of Canada the right to conscript men into the army. September Edit September 14 (September 1 Old Style) – Russia is declared a republic, by the Provisional Government. September 23 – Leon Trotsky is elected Chairman of the Petrograd Soviet. September 25 – The Mossovet ( Moscow Soviet of People's Deputies) votes to side with the Bolsheviks. September 26 – October 3 – WWI – Battle of Polygon Wood (part of the Battle of Passchendaele) near Ypres in Belgium: British and Australian troops capture positions from the Germans. September 28 – 29 – WWI – Second Battle of Ramadi: British troops take Ramadi from the Ottoman Empire. October Edit October 4 – WWI – Battle of Broodseinde near Ypres: British Imperial forces overpower the German 4th Army 's defences. October 12 – WWI – First Battle of Passchendaele: Allies fail to take a German defensive position, with the biggest loss of life in a single day for New Zealand, over 800 of whose men and 60 officers are killed, roughly 1 in 1, 000 of the nation's population at this time. October 12 - 19 – WWI – Operation Albion: German forces land on and capture the West Estonian archipelago. October 13 – The Miracle of the Sun is reported at Fátima, Portugal. October 15 – WWI: At Vincennes outside Paris, Dutch dancer Mata Hari is executed by firing squad for spying for Germany. October 19 Dallas Love Field Airport is opened in Texas. Carl Swartz leaves office as Prime Minister of Sweden, after dismal election results for the right-wing in the Riksdag elections in September. He is replaced by liberal leader and history professor Nils Edén. October 23 – A Brazilian ship is destroyed by a German U-Boat, encouraging Brazil to enter World War I. October 24 WWI – Battle of Caporetto: Austrian and German forces penetrate Italian lines as far south as the Piave River. It is the first major engagement for junior German officer Erwin Rommel. October 26 – WWI: Brazil declares war against the Central Powers. October 27 – WWI – Battle of Buqqar Ridge: Ottoman forces attack British Desert Mounted Corps units garrisoning El-Buqqar Ridge, during the last days of the Stalemate in Southern Palestine. October 31 – WWI – Battle of Beersheba: The British XX Corps and Desert Mounted Corps ( Egyptian Expeditionary Force) attack and capture Beersheba from Ottoman forces, ending the stalemate in Southern Palestine. The battle includes a rare (by this date) mounted charge, by Australian mounted infantry. November Edit November 1 – WWI: The British XXI Corps of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force begins the Third Battle of Gaza. The British Desert Mounted Corps begins the Battle of Tel el Khuweilfe, in the direction of Hebron and Jerusalem. November 2 – Zionism: The British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour makes the Balfour Declaration, proclaiming British support for the "establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people. it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities. November 5 (N. October 23, O. – Estonian and Russian Bolsheviks seize power in Tallinn, Autonomous Governorate of Estonia, two days before the October Revolution in Petrograd. November 6 WWI – Second Battle of Passchendaele: After 3 months of fierce fighting, Canadian forces take Passchendaele in Belgium (the battle concludes on November 10. WWI: The Battle of Hareira and Sheria is launched by the British XX Corps and Desert Mounted Corps, against the central Ottoman defences protecting the Gaza to Beersheba Road. Militants from Trotsky's committee join with trusty Bolshevik soldiers, to seize government buildings and pounce on members of the provisional government. November 7 (N. October 25, O. – October Revolution in Russia: The workers of the Petrograd Soviet in Russia, led by the Bolshevik Party and leader Vladimir Lenin, storm the Winter Palace and successfully destroy the Kerensky Provisional Government after less than eight months of rule. This immediately triggers the Russian Civil War. Iran (which has provided weapons for Russia) refuses to support the Allied Forces after the October Revolution. WWI – Third Battle of Gaza: The British Army XXI Corps occupies Gaza, after the Ottoman garrison withdraws. WWI: The Battle of Hareira and Sheria continues, when the XX Corps and Desert Mounted Corps capture Hareira and Sheria, marking the end of the Ottoman Gaza to Beersheba line. Women's Suffrage in the United States: Women win the right to vote in New York State. [12] November 13 – WWI: Battle of Mughar Ridge: The Egyptian Expeditionary Force attacks retreating Yildirim Army Group forces, resulting in the capture of 10, 000 Ottoman prisoners, 100 guns and 50 miles (80 km) of Palestine territory. The ANZAC Mounted Division ( Desert Mounted Corps) successfully fights the Battle of Ayun Kara, in the aftermath of the Battle of Mughar Ridge against strong German rearguards. November 15 "Night of Terror" in the United States: Influential suffragettes from the Silent Sentinels are deliberately subjected to physical assaults by guards while imprisoned. The Parliament of Finland passes another "Sovereignty Act" dissolving Russian sovereignty over Finland and effectively declaring Finland independent. (N. November 2, O. – The Provincial Assembly of the Autonomous Governorate of Estonia declares itself the highest legal body in Estonia, in opposition to Bolsheviks. November 16 WWI: Battle of Ayun Kara: The ANZAC Mounted Division occupies Jaffa. Georges Clemenceau becomes prime minister of France. November 17 WWI: Action of 17 November 1917: United States Navy destroyers USS Fanning and USS Nicholson capture Imperial German Navy U-boat SM U-58 off the south-west coast of Ireland, the first combat action in which U. ships take a submarine (which is then scuttled. WWI: The Battle of Jerusalem (1917) begins, with the Egyptian Expeditionary Force launching attacks against Ottoman forces in the Judean Hills. The People's Dispensary for Sick Animals is founded in the United Kingdom. November 20 WWI – Battle of Cambrai: British forces, using tanks, make early progress in an attack on German positions, but are soon beaten back. The Ukraine is declared a republic. November 22 – In Montreal, Quebec, Canada, the National Hockey Association suspends operations. November 23 – The Bolsheviks release the full text of the previously secret Sykes–Picot Agreement of 1916 in Izvestia and Pravda; it is printed in the Manchester Guardian on November 26. November 24 – A bomb kills 9 members of the Milwaukee Police Department, the most deaths in a single event in U. police history (until the September 11 attacks in 2001. November 25 – WWI – Battle of Ngomano: German forces defeat a Portuguese army of about 1, 200 at Negomano, on the border of modern-day Mozambique and Tanzania. November 26 – The National Hockey League is formed in Montreal, as a replacement for the recently disbanded National Hockey Association. November 28 – WWI: The Bolsheviks offer peace terms to the Germans. December Edit December – Annie Besant becomes president of the Indian National Congress. December 3 – After nearly 20 years of planning and construction, the Quebec Bridge opens to traffic (the bridge partially collapsed on August 29, 1907 and September 11, 1916. December 6 The Senate of Finland officially declares the country's independence from Russia. Halifax Explosion: Two freighters collide in Halifax Harbour at Halifax, Nova Scotia, and cause a huge explosion that kills at least 1, 963 people, injures 9, 000 and destroys part of the city (the biggest man-made explosion in recorded history until the Trinity nuclear test in 1945. WWI: U. Navy destroyer USS Jacob Jones is torpedoed and sunk in the Atlantic Ocean by German submarine U-53, killing 66 crew in the first significant American naval loss of the war. [13] December 9 – WWI – Battle of Jerusalem: The British Egyptian Expeditionary Force accepts the surrender of Jerusalem by the mayor, Hussein al-Husayni, following the effective defeat of the Ottoman Empire 's Yildirim Army Group. December 11 – WWI: General Edmund Allenby leads units of the British Egyptian Expeditionary Force into Jerusalem on foot through, the Jaffa Gate. December 17 – The Raad van Vlaanderen proclaims the independence of Flanders. December 20 (N. December 7, O. – The Cheka, a predecessor to the KGB, is established in Russia. December 23 (N. December 10, O. – A local plebiscite supports transferring Narva and Ivangorod ( Jaanilinn) from the Petrograd Governorate, to the Autonomous Governorate of Estonia. December 25 – Jesse Lynch Williams 's Why Marry? the first dramatic play to win a Pulitzer Prize, opens at the Astor Theatre, New York City. December 26 – United States President Woodrow Wilson uses the Federal Possession and Control Act to place most U. railroads under the United States Railroad Administration, hoping to transport troops and materials for the war effort more efficiently. December 30 – WWI: The Egyptian Expeditionary Force secures the victory at the Battle of Jerusalem, by successfully defending Jerusalem from numerous Yildirim Army Group counterattacks. Date unknown Edit Following the October Revolution, Alexandra Kollontai is appointed People's Commissar for Social Welfare in the Council of People's Commissars of the Government of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, the first woman cabinet minister in Europe. Women are permitted to stand in national elections in the Netherlands. The True Jesus Church is established in Beijing. Births Edit January 2 Albin F. Irzyk, American Brigadier General (d. 2018) Vera Zorina, German dancer, actress (d. 2003) K. M. Mathew, Indian newspaper editor (d. 2010) January 3 Roger W. Straus, Jr., American publisher (d. 2004) Liu Zhonghua, Chinese military officer (d. 2018) Jesse White, American actor (d. 1997) D. J. Finney, British statistician (d. 2018) January 5 Adolfo Consolini, Italian discus thrower (d. 1969) Lucienne Day, British textile designer (d. 2010) Francis L. Kellogg, American diplomat, prominent socialite (d. 2006) Jane Wyman, American actress, philanthropist, and first wife of Ronald Reagan (d. 2007) January 6 – Koo Chen-fu, Nationalist Chinese negotiator (d. 2005) January 10 Saul Cherniack, Canadian politician, lawyer (d. 2018) Jerry Wexler, American record producer (d. 2008) January 12 – Jimmy Skinner, American hockey coach (d. 2007) 14] January 15 – K. A. Thangavelu, Indian film actor, comedian (d. 1994) January 16 – Carl Karcher, American founder of the Carl's Jr. hamburger chain (d. 2008) January 17 – M. G. Ramachandran, Tamil Nadu chief minister, actor (d. 1987) January 19 – Graham Higman, British mathematician (d. 2008) January 21 – Erling Persson, Swedish businessman, founder of H&M (d. 2002) January 24 – Ernest Borgnine, American actor (d. 2012) Ilya Prigogine, Russian-born physicist, chemist, and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry (d. 2003) Jânio Quadros, 22nd President of Brazil (d. 1992) January 26 William Verity Jr., 27th United States Secretary of Commerce (d. 2007) Louis Zamperini, American prisoner of war (World War II) Olympic distance athlete (1936) and Christian evangelist (d. 2014) January 29 – John Raitt, American actor, singer (d. 2005) February Edit February 1 Ed Simons, American musician (d. 2018) Squadron Leader James "Ginger" Lacey, the top scoring RAF fighter pilot during the Battle of Britain (d. 1989) February 2 Mary Ellis, British ferry pilot (d. 2018) Đỗ Mười, Vietnamese leader (d. 2018) February 3 – Shlomo Goren, Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel (d. 1994) February 4 – Yahya Khan, 3rd President of Pakistan (d. 1980) February 5 – Isuzu Yamada, Japanese actress (d. 2012) February 6 John Franzese, Italian-born American prisoner Zsa Zsa Gabor, Hungarian-born actress (d. 2016) Arnold Spielberg, American electrical engineer and father of Steven Spielberg February 9 – Joseph Conombo, Prime Minister of Upper Volta (d. 2008) February 11 T. Nagi Reddy, Indian revolutionary (d. 1976) Sidney Sheldon, American author, television writer (d. 2007) February 12 – Dom DiMaggio, American baseball player (d. 2009) February 14 – Herbert A. Hauptman, American mathematician, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry (d. 2011) February 15 – Meg Wyllie, American actress (d. 2002) February 17 Abdel Rahman Badawi, Egyptian existentialist philosopher (d. 2002) Whang-od, Filipino mambabatok or tattoo artist February 18 – Tuulikki Pietilä, Finnish artist (d. 2009) February 19 – Carson McCullers, American author (d. 1967) February 20 Juan Vicente Torrealba, Venezuelan harpist, composer (d. 2019) Wilma Vinsant, American flight nurse who served during WWII (d. 1945) February 21 – Lucille Bremer, American actress, dancer (d. 1996) February 23 – Abdelmunim Al-Rifai, 2-time Prime Minister of Jordan (d. 1985) February 25 Anthony Burgess, English author (d. 1993) Brenda Joyce, American actress (d. 2009) February 26 – Robert Taft Jr., American politician (d. 1993) February 27 John Connally, Governor of Texas (d. 1993) Laine Mesikäpp, Estonian actress, singer and folk song collector (d. 2012) February 28 – Ernesto Alonso, Mexican actor, director, cinematographer, and producer (d. 2007) March Edit March 1 – Robert Lowell, American poet (d. 1977) March 2 Desi Arnaz, Cuban-born American actor, bandleader, musician, and television producer; co-founder of Desilu Productions (d. 1986) Babiker Awadalla, 8th Prime Minister of Sudan (d. 2019) Laurie Baker, English architect (d. 2007) Max Webb, Polish-American real estate developer and philanthropist (d. 2018) March 3 – Sameera Moussa, Egyptian nuclear scientist (d. 1952) March 4 – Clyde McCullough, American baseball catcher (d. 1982) March 5 – Raymond P. Shafer, Governor of Pennsylvania (d. 2006) March 6 Samael Aun Weor, Colombian writer (d. 1977) Ruth Dayan, Israeli fashion designer Will Eisner, American cartoonist (d. 2005) March 9 – Jack Laver, Tasmanian cricketer (d. 2017) March 10 Edith Iglauer, American writer (d. 2019) Zbigniew Ścibor-Rylski, Polish Brigadier General (d. 2018) March 12 Giovanni Benedetti, Italian Catholic prelate (d. 2017) Leonard Chess, American record company executive, co-founder of Chess Records (d. 1969) Googie Withers, British actress (d. 2011) March 16 – Mehrdad Pahlbod, Iranian royal and politician (d. 2018) March 18 – Mircea Ionescu-Quintus, Romanian politician (d. 2017) March 19 Dinu Lipatti, Romanian pianist (d. 1950) Peggy Ahern, American actress (d. 2012) Sardon Jubir, Malaysian politician (d. 1985) March 20 Haddon Donald, New Zealand Army Lieutenant Colonel and politician (d. 2018) Vera Lynn, English actress, singer March 21 Anton Coppola, American opera conductor, composer Yigael Yadin, Israeli archeologist, politician, and Military Chief of Staff (d. 1984) March 22 – Virginia Grey, American actress (d. 2004) March 23 – Kenneth Tobey, American actor (d. 2002) March 24 Constantine Andreou, Brazilian-Greek artist (d. 2007) John Kendrew, British molecular biologist, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry (d. 1997) March 26 – Rufus Thomas, American singer (d. 2001) March 27 Takumi Furukawa, Japanese film director (d. 2018) Cyrus Vance, American politician (d. 2002) March 29 – Man o' War, champion thoroughbred racehorse (d. 1947) April Edit April 1 Sydney Newman, Canadian-born television producer (d. 1997) Leon Janney, American actor (d. 1980) April 2 – Dabbs Greer, American actor (d. 2007) April 3 – Edward Rowny, American army lieutenant general (d. 2017) April 5 – Robert Bloch, American writer (d. 1994) April 7 – R. Armstrong, American actor (d. 2012) April 8 John Whitney, American animator, composer, and pioneer in computer animation (d. 1995) Hubertus Ernst, Dutch Roman Catholic prelate (d. 2017) April 9 – Brad Dexter, American actor (d. 2002) April 10 – Robert Burns Woodward, American chemist, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 1979) April 11 – Morton Sobell, American spy (d. 2018) April 12 – Demal Bijedić, Yugoslav politician (d. 1977) April 13 Robert O. Anderson, American businessman, founder of Atlantic Richfield Oil Co. (d. 2007) Bill Clements, Governor of Texas (d. 2011) Li Rui, Chinese Communist Party politician (d. 2019) April 14 Valerie Hobson, British actress (d. 1998) Marvin Miller, American baseball executive (d. 2012) April 15 – Hans Conried, American actor (d. 1982) April 16 – Barry Nelson, American actor (d. 2007) April 22 Yvette Chauviré, French ballerina (d. 2016) Ambrose Schindler, American football player, actor (d. 2018) April 23 – Dorian Leigh, American model (d. 2008) April 25 – Ella Fitzgerald, American jazz singer (d. 1996) April 26 I. Pei, Chinese-born architect (d. 2019) Virgil Trucks, American baseball player (d. 2013) April 28 Minoru Chiaki, Japanese actor (d. 1999) Robert Cornthwaite, American actor (d. 2006) April 29 Celeste Holm, American actress (d. 2012) Maya Deren, Russian-American experimental filmmaker (d. 1961) April 30 – Bea Wain, American singer (d. 2017) May Edit May 1 John Beradino, American baseball player and actor, best known for his role in General Hospital (d. 1996) Ulric Cross, Trinidadian judge, diplomat and war hero (d. 2013) Danielle Darrieux, French singer, actress (d. 2017) Fyodor Khitruk, Russian animator (d. 2012) May 3 José Del Vecchio, Venezuelan physician, youth baseball promoter (d. 1990) George Gaynes, Finland-born American actor (d. 2016) Kiro Gligorov, 1st President of the Republic of Macedonia (d. 2012) May 6 – Morihiro Higashikuni, Japanese prince (d. 1969) May 7 – David Tomlinson, English actor (d. 2000) May 8 John Anderson, Jr., American politician (d. 2014) Kenneth N. Taylor, translator of The Living Bible (d. 2005) May 12 – Frank Clair, Canadian football coach (d. 2005) May 14 – Lou Harrison, American composer (d. 2003) May 15 Eleanor Maccoby, American psychologist (d. 2018) Jerzy Duszyński, Polish actor (d. 1978) May 16 – Juan Rulfo, Mexican writer, photographer (d. 1986) May 20 – Bergur Sigurbjörnsson, Icelandic politician (d. 2005) May 21 – Raymond Burr, Canadian actor, best known for his role in Perry Mason (d. 1993) Sid Melton, American actor (d. 2011) Georg Tintner, Austrian conductor (d. 1999) May 24 – Florence Knoll, American architect, furniture designer (d. 2019) May 25 – Theodore Hesburgh, American priest, educator (d. 2015) May 28 Papa John Creach, African-American fiddler (d. 1994) Marshall Reed, American film, television actor (d. 1980) May 29 – John F. Kennedy, 35th President of the United States (d. 1963) May 31 – Zilka Salaberry, Brazilian actress (d. 2005) June Edit June 1 – William S. Knowles, American chemist, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 2012) June 2 – Max Showalter, American actor, musician (d. 2000) June 3 – Leo Gorcey, American actor (d. 1969) June 4 Robert Merrill, American baritone (d. 2004) Howard Metzenbaum, American Jewish Senator from Ohio (d. 2008) June 6 – Kirk Kerkorian, Armenian-American businessman, billionaire (d. 2015) June 7 Gwendolyn Brooks, African-American writer (d. 2000) Dean Martin, American actor, singer (d. 1995) June 8 George D. Wallace, American actor (d. 2005) Byron White, American football player and Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States (d. 2002) June 9 – Eric Hobsbawm, Egyptian-born British historian (d. 2012) June 10 DeWitt Hale, American politician (d. 2018) Ruari McLean, Scottish-born typographer (d. 2006) Al Schwimmer, American-Israeli businessman (d. 2011) June 13 – Augusto Roa Bastos, Paraguayan writer (d. 2005) June 14 Lise Nørgaard, Danish journalist, writer Atle Selberg, Norwegian mathematician (d. 2007) June 15 John Fenn, American chemist, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 2010) Lash LaRue, American cowboy actor (d. 1996) June 16 Phaedon Gizikis, President of Greece (d. 1999) Katharine Graham, American publisher (d. 2001) Irving Penn, American photographer (d. 2009) June 17 Ben Bubar, American presidential candidate (d. 1995) Huang Feili, Chinese conductor, musical educator (d. 2017) June 18 Richard Boone, American actor (d. 1981) Ross Elliott, American actor (d. 1999) Erik Ortvad, Danish artist (d. 2008) June 19 Robert Baker Aitken, American Zen Buddhist teacher (d. 2010) Robert Karnes, American actor (d. 1979) June 21 – Leslie Shepard, British author, archivist and curator (d. 2004) June 24 Lucy Jarvis, American television producer (d. 2020) Ahmad Sayyed Javadi, Iranian lawyer, political activist and politician (d. 2013) June 25 Nils Karlsson, Swedish Olympic cross-country skier (d. 2012) Claude Seignolle, French author (d. 2018) June 26 – Idriz Ajeti, Albanian albanologist (d. 2019) June 28 – A. Hotchner, American editor, novelist, playwright and biographer June 29 – Ling Yun, Chinese politician (d. 2018) June 30 Susan Hayward, American actress (d. 1975) Lena Horne, American singer, actress (d. 2010) Willa Kim, American costume designer, actress (d. 2016) July Edit Shyam Saran Negi, Indian schoolteacher Virginia Dale, American actress, dancer (d. 1994) Álvaro Domecq y Díez, Spanish aristocrat (d. 2005) Humphry Osmond, British psychiatrist (d. 2004) July 2 – André Lafargue, French journalist, resistance fighter (d. 2017) July 3 – Donald Wills Douglas, Jr., American industrialist, sportsman (d. 2004) July 4 – Manolete, Spanish bullfighter (d. 1947) July 5 – Kathleen Gemberling Adkison, American abstract painter (d. 2010) July 6 Arthur Lydiard, New Zealand runner, athletics coach (d. 2004) Heribert Barrera, Spanish chemist, politician (d. 2011) July 7 Larry O'Brien, American politician, former NBA commissioner (d. 1990) Fidel Sánchez Hernández, President of El Salvador (d. 2003) July 8 – Pamela Brown, English actress (d. 1975) July 9 Krystyna Dańko, Polish orphan, survivor of the Holocaust (d. 2019) Peter Moyes, Australian educator (d. 2007) Frank Wayne, American television game show producer (d. 1988) July 10 Şeref Alemdar, Turkish basketball player Don Herbert, American television personality, better known as Mr. Wizard (d. 2007) Dayton S. Mak, U. diplomat (d. 2018) Reg Smythe, English cartoonist (d. 1998) July 11 – Per Carleson, Swedish épée fencer (d. 2004) July 12 Luigi Gorrini, Italian soldier, pilot (d. 2014) Andrew Wyeth, American painter (d. 2009) Satyendra Narayan Sinha, Indian statesman (d. 2006) July 14 – Frank Vigar, English cricketer (d. 2004) July 15 Robert Conquest, British historian (d. 2015) Reidar Liaklev, Norwegian speed skater (d. 2006) Joan Roberts, American actress (d. 2012) July 16 – Alex Urban, American football player (d. 2007) July 17 Gus Arriola, Mexican-American comic strip cartoonist, animator (d. 2008) Lou Boudreau, American professional baseball player, manager (d. 2001) Phyllis Diller, American actress, comedian (d. 2012) Kenan Evren, 7th President of Turkey (d. 2015) Generoso Jiménez, Cuban trombone player (d. 2007) July 18 Henri Salvador, French singer (d. 2008) Paul Streeten, Austrian-born British economics professor (d. 2019) July 19 – William Scranton, American politician (d. 2013) Harold Faragher, English cricketer (d. 2006) Paul Hubschmid, Swiss actor (d. 2001) July 21 Alan B. Gold, Canadian lawyer, jurist (d. 2005) Sidney Leviss, American Democratic politician (d. 2007) July 22 Larry Hooper, American singer, musician (d. 1983) Adam Malik, 3rd Vice President of Indonesia (d. 1984) July 23 – Omar Yoke Lin Ong, Malaysian politician, diplomat and businessman (d. 2010) July 24 Henri Betti, French composer, pianist (d. 2005) Clarence F. Stephens, American mathematician, educator (d. 2018) July 25 – Fritz Honegger, 79th President of Switzerland (d. 1999) July 26 – Lorna Gray, American actress (d. 2017) July 27 – Wu Zhonghua, Chinese physicist, pioneered three-dimensional flow theory (d. 1992) July 29 – Rochus Misch, German bodyguard of Adolf Hitler (d. 2013) July 30 – Keith Rae, Australian rules footballer August Edit August 3 Les Elgart, American bandleader (d. 1995) August 6 – Robert Mitchum, American actor (d. 1997) August 7 – Raja Perempuan Zainab, Queen of Malaysia (d. 1993) August 8 – Earl Cameron, Bermudian actor August 9 – Jao Tsung-I, Chinese-born Hong Kong scholar, poet, calligrapher and painter (d. 2018) August 11 Vasiľ Biľak, former Slovak Communist leader (d. 2014) Dik Browne, American cartoonist, creator of Hägar the Horrible (d. 1989) Jack Smith, American football end (d. 2015) August 12 – Marjorie Reynolds, American actress (d. 1997) August 14 – Marty Glickman, American sports announcer (d. 2001) August 15 Jack Lynch, 5th Prime Minister of Ireland (d. 1999) Óscar Romero, Salvadoran Roman Catholic Archbishop (d. 1980) August 17 – Zvi Keren, American-born Israeli pianist, musicologist and composer (d. 2008) August 18 – Caspar Weinberger, United States Secretary of Defense (d. 2006) August 21 – Esther Cooper Jackson, African-American civil rights activist August 22 John Lee Hooker, African-American musician (d. 2001) Raymond G. Perelman, American businessman (d. 2019) August 23 – Hu Chengzhi, Chinese palaeontologist, palaeoanthropologist (d. 2018) August 25 Lou van Burg, Dutch television personality, game show host (d. 1986) Mel Ferrer, Cuban-American actor, film director, producer (d. 2008) Lisbeth Movin, Danish actress (d. 2011) August 28 – Jack Kirby, American comic book artist (d. 1994) August 29 – Isabel Sanford, African-American actress, best known for her role in The Jeffersons (d. 2004) August 30 – Denis Healey, English politician, author (d. 2015) September Edit September 5 – Art Rupe, American music industry executive, record producer September 6 – Philipp von Boeselager, German Wehrmacht officer, failed assassin of Adolf Hitler (d. 2008) September 7 Xerardo Fernández Albor, Spanish politician and physician (d. 2018) Leonard Cheshire, British war hero (d. 1992) John Cornforth, Australian chemist, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 2013) Tetsuo Hamuro, Japanese swimmer (d. 2005) September 10 – Miguel Serrano, Chilean diplomat, explorer and journalist (d. 2009) September 11 Donald Blakeslee, American aviator (d. 2008) Herbert Lom, Czech-born British actor (d. 2012) Ferdinand Marcos, 10th President of the Philippines (d. 1989) Jessica Mitford, Anglo-American writer (d. 1996) Daniel Wildenstein, French art dealer, racehorse owner (d. 2001) September 13 – Robert Ward, American composer (d. 2013) September 15 Carola B. Eisenberg, American psychiatrist, educator Buddy Jeannette, American basketball player, coach (d. 1998) September 17 – Henry Pearce, Australian politician September 18 – June Foray, American voice actress best known for "Rocky and Bullwinkle" d. 2017) September 20 Red Auerbach, American basketball coach, official (d. 2006) Fernando Rey, Spanish actor (d. 1994) September 22 – Anna Campori, Italian actress (d. 2018) September 23 Asima Chatterjee, Indian chemist (d. 2006) El Santo, Mexican professional wrestler and actor (d. 1984) September 24 – Otto Günsche, German general (d. 2003) September 25 – Johnny Sain, American baseball player (d. 2006) September 26 – Tran Duc Thao, Vietnamese phenomenologist and Marxist philosopher (d. 1993) September 27 – Louis Auchincloss, American novelist (d. 2010) October Edit October 2 Christian de Duve, English-born biologist, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (d. 2013) Charles Drake, American actor (d. 1994) Francis Jackson, English organist, composer October 3 – Les Schwab, American businessman (d. 2007) October 5 – Allen Ludden, American game show host (d. 1981) October 6 – Fannie Lou Hamer, African-American civil rights activist (d. 1977) October 7 – June Allyson, American actress (d. 2006) October 8 Danny Murtaugh, American baseball player, manager (d. 1976) Rodney Robert Porter, English biochemist, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (d. 1985) October 9 – Don Marion Davis, American child actor October 10 – Thelonious Monk, African-American jazz pianist (d. 1982) October 11 – J. Edward McKinley, American actor (d. 2004) October 13 – George Virl Osmond, Osmond family patriarch (d. 2007) October 15 Adele Stimmel Chase, American artist (d. 2000) Jan Miner, American actress (d. 2004) Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., American historian, political commentator (d. 2007) October 16 – Alice Pearce, American actress (d. 1966) October 17 Martin Donnelly, New Zealand cricketer (d. 1999) Marsha Hunt, American actress October 19 – Walter Munk, Austrian-born American oceanographer (d. 2019) October 20 Jean-Pierre Melville, French film director, film producer, and screenwriter (d. 1973) X. Sellathambu, Sri Lankan Tamil politician (d. 1984) October 21 Dizzy Gillespie, African-American musician (d. 1993) Geoffrey Langlands, British army officer and educator (d. 2019) October 22 – Joan Fontaine, British-born actress (d. 2013) October 24 – Fang Huai, Chinese military officer and major general of PLA (d. 2019) October 27 – Oliver Tambo, South African activist, revolutionary (d. 1993) October 28 Honor Frost, pioneer in underwater archaeology (d. 2010) Shams Pahlavi, Iranian royal (d. 1996) Jack Soo, Japanese-American actor (d. 1979) October 30 Paul Eberhard, Swiss bobsledder Maurice Trintignant, French race car driver (d. 2005) October 31 – Gordon Steege, Australian military officer (d. 2013) November Edit November 1 Erich Rudorffer, German fighter ace (d. 2016) Clarence E. Miller, American politician (d. 2011) November 2 Durward Knowles, Bahamian sailor, Olympic champion (d. 2018) Ann Rutherford, Canadian actress (d. 2012) November 3 – Chung Sze-yuen, Hong Kong politician (d. 2018) November 4 Leonardo Cimino, American actor (d. 2012) Virginia Field, British-born actress (d. 1992) November 5 – Jacqueline Auriol, French aviator (d. 2000) November 6 – Harlan Warde, American actor (d. 1980) November 10 – Koun Wick, Cambodian statesman and diplomat (d. 1999) November 11 Madeleine Damerment, French WWII heroine (d. 1944) Tony F. Schneider, American naval officer (d. 2010) November 12 Hedley Jones, Jamaican musician (d. 2017) Mohamed Suffian Mohamed Hashim, Malaysian judge (d. 2000) Jo Stafford, American traditional pop singer (d. 2008) November 13 Robert Sterling, American actor (d. 2006) Infanta Alicia, Duchess of Calabria, Austrian-born Spanish and Italian princess (d. 2017) November 14 – Park Chung-hee, former president of South Korea (d. 1979) November 18 – Pedro Infante, Mexican actor, singer (d. 1957) November 19 – Indira Gandhi, 3rd Prime Minister of India (d. 1984) November 20 – Robert Byrd, U. senator from West Virginia, President pro tempore of the United States Senate (d. 2010) November 22 – Andrew Huxley, English scientist, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (d. 2012) November 24 – Shabtai Rosenne, British-born Israeli diplomat, jurist (d. 2010) November 25 – Stanley Wilson, American musician (d. 1970) November 27 – Buffalo Bob Smith, American children's television host (d. 1998) November 28 Orville Rogers, American pilot, competitive runner (d. 2019) Xiang Shouzhi, Chinese general (d. 2017) November 29 – Pierre Gaspard-Huit, French film director, screenwriter (d. 2017) December Edit December 4 – Arthur B. Singer, American wildlife artist (d. 1990) December 5 – Wenche Foss, Norwegian actress (d. 2011) Kamal Jumblatt, leader of the Lebanese Druze (d. 1977) Irv Robbins, Canadian-American entrepreneur (d. 2008) December 7 – Hurd Hatfield, American actor (d. 1998) December 8 – Ian Johnson, Australian cricketer (d. 1998) December 9 – James Rainwater, American physicist, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 1986) December 10 – Sultan Yahya Petra of Kelantan, King of Malaysia (d. 1979) December 13 – John Hart, American actor (d. 2009) December 15 Shan-ul-Haq Haqqee, Pakistani poet, author and lexicographer (d. 2005) Karl-Günther von Hase, German diplomat Hilde Zadek, German operatic soprano (d. 2019) December 16 Arthur C. Clarke, British/Sri Lankan science-fiction author, best known for co-writing the screenplay of 2001: A Space Odyssey (d. 2008) Beatrice Wright, American psychologist (d. 2018) December 18 – Ossie Davis, African-American actor, film director and activist (d. 2005) December 19 – Paul Brinegar, American actor (d. 1995) December 20 David Bohm, American-born physicist, philosopher and neuropsychologist (d. 1992) Petrus Hugo, South African WWII fighter pilot (d. 1986) Audrey Totter, American actress (d. 2013) December 21 Diana Athill, British literary editor, novelist and memoirist (d. 2019) Heinrich Böll, German writer, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 1985) December 22 Marthe Gosteli, Swiss women's suffrage campaigner (d. 2017) Gene Rayburn, American television personality, best known as the host of Match Game (d. 1999) December 25 Lincoln Verduga Loor, Ecuadorian journalist, politician (d. 2009) Arseny Mironov, Russian scientist, engineer and pilot (d. 2019) December 27 – Onni Palaste, Finnish writer (d. 2009) December 28 – Ellis Clarke, 1st President of Trinidad and Tobago (d. 2010) December 29 – Ramanand Sagar, Indian film director (d. 2005) December 30 – Seymour Melman, American industrial engineer (d. 2004) December 31 – Suzy Delair, French actress, singer Date unknown Edit Hazza' al-Majali, 22nd & 32nd Prime Minister of Jordan (d. 1960) Deaths Edit January–March Edit January 2 – Sir Edward Tylor, English anthropologist (b. 1832) January 4 – Frederick Selous, British explorer (b. 1851) January 6 Sir Frederick Borden, Canadian politician (b. 1847) Hendrick Peter Godfried Quack, Dutch economist, historian (b. 1834) January 8 Sir George Warrender, 7th Baronet, British admiral (b. 1860) Mary Arthur McElroy, de facto First Lady of the United States (b. 1841) January 10 – William F. "Buffalo Bill" Cody, American frontiersman (b. 1846) January 16 – George Dewey, U. admiral (b. 1837) January 18 – Andrew Murray, South African author, educationist and pastor (b. 1828) January 29 – Evelyn Baring, 1st Earl of Cromer, British diplomat and colonial administrator (b. 1841) February 5 – Jaber II Al-Sabah, Emir of Kuwait (b. 1860) February 8 – Anton Haus, Austro-Hungarian admiral (b. 1851) February 10 – John William Waterhouse, Italian-born artist (b. 1849) February 17 – Carolus-Duran, French painter (b. 1837) February 21 Fred Mace, American actor (b. 1878) Joaquín Dicenta, Spanish writer (b. 1862) March 5 – Manuel de Arriaga, 1st President of Portugal (b. 1840) March 6 – Jules Vandenpeereboom, 17th Prime Minister of Belgium (b. 1843) March 8 – Ferdinand von Zeppelin, German general, inventor (b. 1838) March 17 – Franz Brentano, German philosopher, psychologist (b. 1838) March 31 – Emil von Behring, German winner of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (b. 1854) April–June Edit April 1 – Scott Joplin, African-American composer, pianist (b. 1867) April 3 – Milton Wright, American bishop, father of the Wright brothers (b. 1828) April 6 – Prince Friedrich Karl of Prussia (b. 1893) April 7 – George Brown, British missionary (b. 1835) April 8 – Richard Olney, American politician (b. 1835) April 13 – Diamond Jim Brady, American businessman and philanthropist (b. 1856) April 14 – L. L. Zamenhof, Polish creator of Esperanto (b. 1859) April 18 – F. C. Burnand, British playwright and comic writer (b. 1836) April 29 – Queen Tehaapapa III, Tahitian queen (b. 1879) May 7 – Albert Ball, British World War I fighter ace, Victoria Cross recipient (b. 1896) May 16 – Robert Sandilands Frowd Walker, British colonial administrator (b. 1850) May 17 Charles Brooke, Rajah of Sarawak (b. 1829) Radomir Putnik, Serbian field marshal (b. 1847) May 18 – John Nevil Maskelyne, English magician and inventor (b. 1839) May 20 – Philipp von Ferrary, Italian stamp collector (b. 1850) May 23 – Queen Ranavalona III of Madagascar (b. 1855) May 24 – Les Darcy, Australian boxer (b. 1895) May 25 Maksim Bahdanovič, Belarusian poet (b. 1891) René Dorme, French World War I fighter ace (b. 1894) May 29 – Kate Harrington, American teacher, writer, and poet (b. 1831) June 3 – Matilda Carse, Irish-born American businesswoman, social reformer (b. 1835) June 5 – Karl Emil Schäfer, German World War I fighter ace (killed in action) b. 1891) June 14 – Thomas W. Benoist, American aviator, aircraft designer and manufacturer, founder of the world ' s first scheduled airline (b. 1874) June 17 – José Manuel Pando, 25th President of Bolivia (b. 1849) June 18 – Titu Maiorescu, Romanian politician, 23rd Prime Minister of Romania (b. 1840) June 26 – John Dunville, British Army officer (killed in action) b. 1896) June 27 Karl Allmenröder, German World War I fighter ace (killed in action) b. 1896) Gustav von Schmoller, German economist (b. 1838) June 29 – Frans Schollaert, 19th Prime Minister of Belgium (b. 1851) June 30 – Antonio de La Gándara, French painter (b. 1861) July–September Edit July 2 – Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree, British actor (b. 1852) July 8 – Tom Thomson, Canadian painter (b. 1877) July 12 – Donald Cunnell, British World War I fighter ace (killed in action) b. 1893) July 16 – Philipp Scharwenka, Polish-German composer (b. 1847) July 27 – Emil Kocher, Swiss medical researcher, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (b. 1841) July 28 Stephen Luce, American admiral (b. 1827) Ririkumutima, Queen regent of Burundi July 31 Francis Ledwidge, Irish poet (killed in action) b. 1887) Hedd Wyn, Welsh poet (killed in action) b. 1887) Stéphane Javelle, French astronomer (b. 1864) Ferdinand Georg Frobenius, German mathematician (b. 1849) August 7 – Edwin Harris Dunning, British aviator (b. 1892) August 13 – Eduard Buchner, German chemist, Nobel Prize laureate (b. 1860) August 17 – John W. Kern, American Democratic politician (b. 1849) August 20 – Adolf von Baeyer, German chemist, Nobel Prize laureate (b. 1835) August 30 – Alan Leo, British astrologer (b. 1860) September 9 Boris Stürmer, Russian statesman, former Prime Minister (b. 1848) Madge Syers, British figure skater (b. 1881) September 11 – Georges Guynemer, French World War I fighter ace (missing in action) b. 1894) September 15 – Kurt Wolff, German World War I fighter ace (killed in action) b. 1895) September 23 – Werner Voss, German World War I fighter ace (killed in action) b. 1897) September 26 – Edward Miner Gallaudet, American educator of the deaf (b. 1837) September 27 – Edgar Degas, French painter (b. 1834) September 30 – Patricio Montojo y Pasarón, Spanish admiral (b. 1839) October–December Edit October 3 – Eduardo di Capua, Neapolitan composer and songwriter (b. 1865) October 4 – Dave Gallaher, New Zealand rugby union football player (killed in action) b. 1873) October 9 – Sultan Hussein Kamel of Egypt, b. 1853) October 11 – Duke Philipp of Wurttemberg (b. 1838) October 13 – Florence La Badie, American actress (accident) b. 1888) October 15 – Mata Hari, Dutch dancer, spy (executed) b. 1876) October 17 – Bobby Atherton, Welsh footballer (b. 1876) October 22 – Bob Fitzsimmons, British boxer, World Heavyweight Champion (b. 1863) October 23 – Eugène Grasset, Swiss artist (b. 1845) October 27 – Arthur Rhys-Davids, British fighter ace (killed in action) b. 1897) October 28 – Prince Christian of Schleswig-Holstein (b. 1831) October 30 – Heinrich Gontermann, German fighter ace (flying accident) b. 1896) November 3 – Frederick Rodgers, American admiral (b. 1842) November 8 – Colin Blythe, English cricketer (b. 1879) November 11 – Liliʻuokalani, last monarch of the Kingdom of Hawaii (b. 1838) November 15 – Émile Durkheim, French sociologist (b. 1858) November 16 – Adolf Reinach, German philosopher (killed in action) b. 1883) Neil Primrose, British Liberal MP (killed in action) b. 1882) Auguste Rodin, French sculptor (b. 1840) December 8 – Mendele Mocher Sforim, Russian Yiddish, Hebrew writer (b. 1836) December 10 – Sir Mackenzie Bowell, 5th Prime Minister of Canada (b. 1823) December 12 – Andrew Taylor Still, American father of osteopathy (b. 1828) December 17 – Elizabeth Garrett Anderson, English physician and suffragette (b. 1836) December 19 – Richard Maybery, British fighter ace (killed in action) b. 1895) December 20 – Eric Campbell, Scottish actor (accident) b. 1879) Frances Xavier Cabrini, first American canonized as a saint (b. 1850) Stanisław Tondos, Polish painter (b. 1854) December 24 – Ivan Goremykin, Russian statesman, former Prime Minister (b. 1839) December 28 – Alfred Edwin McKay, Canadian fighter ace (killed in action) b. 1892) Nobel Prizes Edit Physics – Charles Glover Barkla Chemistry – not awarded Medicine – not awarded Literature – Karl Adolph Gjellerup, Henrik Pontoppidan Peace – International Committee of the Red Cross References Edit ^ MacLeod, Duncan (August 14, 2006. UK train accidents in which passengers were killed 1825-1924. PureCollector. Retrieved December 6, 2017. ^ SA Legion – Atteridgeville Branch. "The SS Mendi – A Historical Background. Navy News. South African Navy. Retrieved November 20, 2008. ^ Pravda. full citation needed] "Germans and their Dead. Revolting Treatment. Science and the Barbarian Spirit. The Times (41454. London. April 17, 1917. p. 5. ^ Cadavers Not Human. Gruesome Tale Believed to be Somebody's Notion of an April Fool Joke" PDF. The New York Times. April 20, 1917. ^ Badsey, Stephen (2014. The German Corpse Factory: a Study in First World War Propaganda. Solihull: Helion. ISBN 9781909982666. ^ Neander, Joachim (2013. The German Corpse Factory: The Master Hoax of British Propaganda in the First World War. Saarbrücken: Saarland University Press. ISBN 9783862231171. ^ L'Osservatore Romano, Weekly Edition in English, 12/19 August 1998, p. 9. ^ Seton-Watson, Christopher (1967. Italy from Liberalism to Fascism: 1870 to 1925. London: Methuen & Co. Ltd. pp. 468–9. ^ Greece declares war on Central Powers. History. Archived from the original on April 1, 2015. ^ Minorpowers, Greece. Archived from the original on March 14, 2015. ^ Suffrage Wins by 100, 000 in State; Kings by 32, 640. Brooklyn Daily Eagle. November 7, 1917. p. 1. ^ Naval History & Heritage Command. "Jacob Jones. DANFS. Retrieved April 24, 2009. ^ Jimmy Skinner, 90, Coach of Red Wings, Dies. New York Times. July 14, 2007. Retrieved April 24, 2019. Further reading Edit Williams, John. The Other Battleground The Home Fronts: Britain, France and Germany 1914-1918 (1972) pp 175–242. Primary sources and year books Edit New International Year Book 1917 (1918) Comprehensive coverage of world and national affairs, 904 pp American Year Book: 1917 (1918) large compendium of facts about the U. online complete edition 1917 Coin Pictures.
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